The nutritionist of the People’s Company for the Support of Social Programs “Save Your Health” in Moscow Elena Pavlovna Solomatina tells. Sweet FoodPulls on the sweetPulls on a sweetThe product with a sweet taste is,first of all, a powerful antidepressant. The habit of "seizing" sweets of excitement and resentment is characteristic especially of women. If you have noticed this passion behind you, perhaps you should look for the cause in psychological discomfort and try to resolve conflicting issues in the family and at work. The absorption of sweets is just a departure from some problems, to gain others - overweight, diabetes and others. The amount of sweet needs to be reduced gradually, replacing it with light physical exertion or being distracted by interesting activities. When there is an urgent need to “sweeten”, it is better to do with dried fruits that will saturate the body with essential substances and will not cause harm. If this is not enough, you can eat a piece of dark chocolate, marshmallow, marshmallow, marmalade or toffee, which contains tryptophan - a natural tranquilizer. It is only necessary to comply with the measure and not to eat more than 20-30 grams of this delicacy per day. Another reason for the “sweet passion” is a change in the hormonal background during the premenstrual syndrome. But here it is not necessary to immediately go on about your own desires. It happens that the need for tasty food disappears after a while by itself. Acidic foodPulls on sourPulls on sour If desire arises“Acidify”, perhaps your immunity is asking for help. The body in this way tries to fill in the deficiency of vitamin C. After all, ascorbic acid is most often included in the composition of many acidic products. That is why the appetite for dishes with a sour taste can be a signal of the beginning of a cold or fever. For example, cranberries can effectively cope with various inflammations, especially urological ones. A sudden addiction to “sourness” can manifest itself with signs of any type of toxicosis. When poisonous substances enter the body, cells of the immune system try to neutralize them and “call” vitamin C for help. Therefore, don't be surprised at wanting to eat lemon with nausea - this can really bring relief. Many products containing lactic acid bacteria have an acidic taste. A clear desire to eat is most often a requirement of the body to normalize the bacterial flora in the stomach and intestines. It can occur after taking antibiotics that destroy good bacteria. By the way, if you were unrestrained at dinner and ate too fatty foods, finish the meal with cheese or something sour. Virtually all acidic foods break down fats well and improve the digestion of food. Bitter foods Black and red peppers are a welcome addition to dinner when you are cold or feel weak. In addition, a sudden love of onions and garlic can be another sign of a severe respiratory illness. These seasonings improve blood circulation, so do not eat them shortly before bedtime. If you notice a hot temper behind you, do not strive to pepper each piece. This dish will significantly increase your excitability. Salted foodOddly, salty often want todehydration. Eating salt, that is, sodium, is the easiest way to retain fluid in the body. Salt water will also be a salvage during a heatstroke, because sodium maintains the body’s temperature balance. Constant lack of sodium leads to the absorption of olives and olives, as well as pickles and pickles of all kinds. Unlimited love for seaweed, which is often replaced with salt, may indicate a lack of iodine in the body. In addition, it is possible, "pulls on salty" because of disruption of the thyroid gland. If these addictions are not associated with pregnancy, then it is better to see the endocrinologist.

