Flowering of plantsLet's try to consider the mostprobable reasons why plants do not bloom, considering that they should bloom indoors. First of all, it is a lack of lighting, and not necessarily direct sunlight (not all plants tolerate it), but bright diffused light. Almost all flowering plants need good lighting, few plants bloom on northern windows, and even more so in a semi-dark room. But many plants bloom beautifully under artificial lighting, especially under fluorescent lamps. Even if there is no natural light at all, but artificial lighting is organized correctly, the plants will grow and can bloom well. Therefore, if the plant does not bloom, then first of all you need to think about whether it has enough light. You should also take into account the length of daylight hours, usually it is not less than 10-12 hours. Incorrectly selected soil mixture - for some reason, very little attention is paid to this, and rarely does anyone check the pH of the soil before using it. Although in fact it is not uncommon for the pH of purchased soil mixtures to be far from what is indicated on the package. Most plants prefer soils with a slightly acidic reaction pH 5.5 - 6.5 (these are asparagus, amaryllis, begonias, primroses, calceolaria, pelargonium, spiderwort, etc.). Some plants prefer acidic soils with a pH of 4.5 - 5.5 (azaleas, hydrangeas, gardenias, calla lilies, camellias, fuchsia, anthurium, etc.), a few plants like soil with a neutral reaction pH 6.5 - 7.5 (roses, chrysanthemums, cineraria). Many of the above plants will not bloom if you plant them in soil with inappropriate acidity, or their flowering will be sluggish. So if your plant has enough light, figure out if the soil is good enough for your plant.
FuchsiaIncorrect transplantation is one of the mainreasons for the lack of flowering in indoor plants. There may be many violations: too spacious or too tight a container (for example, clivia blooms well when the pot is too tight); damage to the roots, even minor or completely unnoticeable, especially in plants that reproduce only by dividing the bush (for example, spathiphyllum, nephrolepis, etc.), can lead to the fact that even a fairly unpretentious plant does not bloom for a long time. Transplanting at the wrong time of year, for example, in autumn or winter, is fraught with even the death of the plant. Nutritional disorders - This is not only when the plant is starving, if it has not been replanted or fed for several years (perhaps it was planted in very infertile soil), but also when the plant has been fed too much with fertilizers, especially if they are incorrectly selected and contain a lot of nitrogen (in such cases they say "the plant is getting fat", this is typical, for example, for clerodendron). Violation or absence of a dormant period - not all, but many plants need a dormant period in order to bloom in winter or spring, when the plant is kept in fairly cool conditions and its watering is limited (sometimes watering is almost completely stopped). At the same time, the illumination depends on the plant - some go through a dormant period in a shaded place, others in a fairly light one. Usually, the care recommendations indicate whether the plant needs a mandatory dormant period or not.
AmaryllisIt's one thing when the plant doesn't bloomcompletely, and quite another if it blooms poorly or simply loses buds and flowers. In the first case, as a rule, the matter is only in the above-mentioned. But in the second case, the reasons can be very different - excessive or insufficient watering, watering with cold water, temperature fluctuations, draft, moving the plant to a new place, improper transplantation, excess fertilizer, pest attack or disease damage, etc. Too dry air can also cause the absence of flowering in indoor plants. It should be taken into account that if the temperature in the apartment is high - above 22 ° C, then periodic spraying only temporarily refreshes the plant, and this is not enough. Therefore, if the plant needs very humid air, such as orchids, then the pot will have to be placed on a tray with water (wet pebbles), and it may also be necessary to spray the plant. Pest damage, oddly enough, is not the most common reason for "non-flowering" of plants, but still, with very severe damage, for example, by thrips or whitefly, the plant not only grows and develops poorly, but also stops setting buds. If the pest has not had time to spread widely on the plant, then it can bloom, but then begin to lose both buds and flowers. There are other (less common) reasons why the plant does not bloom. This may be improper pruning (for example, hoya does not cut off faded flower stalks) or violation of watering (for example, severe drying out or watering with chlorinated or hard water), etc. By the way
This is how aloe bloomsThere are times when aloe bloomssuch plants that bloom extremely rarely or do not bloom at all in indoor conditions. And usually this happens as if by accident, the owners often do not even understand what they did so special that the plant made them so happy. For example, aloe is called a century plant (it supposedly blooms once every hundred years), but some have it bloom quite well and much more often. It often happens that the recommendations for plant care say that it should be replanted every two to three years, but it turns out that the plant blooms the first year, and the next year there is no flowering. Often the reason for this is not the tightness of the pot or lack of nutrition, but the alkalization of the soil. That is, over the course of a year, salts are gradually deposited in it, the pH increases, and the plant refuses to bloom and even begins to get sick. Therefore, it does not hurt to check the acidity of the soil if it is too early to replant the plant, and if necessary, acidify it (for this, the soil is watered with a weak solution of citric acid or the top layer of soil is replaced with old pine needles or high-moor peat). When feeding flowering plants, it is necessary to choose the right fertilizers. It is best to use potassium-phosphorus in this case (they contain very little nitrogen). For example, we can recommend Uniflor-flower, Omu-flower, etc.
AzaleaHow to determine the exact cause of alllisted? Perhaps there is more than one reason. You can act by the method of elimination - knowing what conditions your plant needs, think about what exactly in the care it might not like so much, since it refuses to bloom. Not always some violation in the care affects the plant. If the lack of light is severe, then the plant's leaves may become smaller and the stems stretch out, but perhaps there is enough light for normal growth, but not enough for flowering. The same applies to the lack of nutrients in the soil and air humidity. Therefore, first you need to check the most basic points - light, humidity, temperature, then it does not hurt to determine the acidity of the soil and the filling of the pot with roots, as well as the presence of pests.