After the holidayAfter the holiday

No Russian salad: vegetable salads

It's time to say goodbye to the hearty salada combination of "meat, potatoes, eggs" and turn to healthier mixes. In first place in terms of usefulness are vegetable salads. They are not only low in calories, but also contain fiber, which, like a broom, cleans out the toxins and waste accumulated over the holidays from our intestines, promoting weight loss. Greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes are of little use now, look for vitamins in native vegetables - cabbage, beets, radishes, carrots. Spices and aromatic herbs added to salads and other dishes will help improve digestion - parsley, dill, cilantro, basil, etc. For satiety, you can add shrimp, squid, boiled chicken breast or eggs to vegetables - all these products contain, so the salad will not be a burden for our stomach.

  • Winter salads: ingredients, recipes

