Things worth dumping right now

From old shoes (especially worn slippers)should be disposed of as soon as possible. Not only do they attract negative energy into your home and provoke quarrels and scandals, they also look unaesthetic and can harm your health. Torn clothes, which are not subject to restoration, must comprehend the same fate as shoes. These things can bring misfortunes and unhappiness into your life. Crockery with cracks, a broken mirror, broken or stopped watches should also be carried to the trash. And it does not matter that they were once given to you and you have pleasant memories connected with them. These things symbolize the family, and if they are spoiled, then your relationship will soon burst at the seams. A broken mirror generally promises 7 years of misfortune and trouble. Are you sure you want to test its effect on yourself? Strongly curling plants also have a place outside your house, but not inside. Flowers, the stems of which strongly wriggle, attract diseases and troubles to you. And if they are planted outside, they, on the contrary, will protect your house from the negative and bring happiness. The dried reeds in the vase also attract various diseases and bring misfortune to your home. If you keep them in the bedroom, it can provoke an early widowhood. Therefore, it is better not to try fate and expose the reeds beyond the threshold. There should also go and pansies, if suddenly you had carelessness to grow them in your apartment. These flowers are planted near the churchyards, so in your home they are definitely not the place. The pine trees (coniferous branches) also foreshadow misfortunes and illnesses. Therefore, if you have not yet carried your fluffy green beauty to the trash, now is the time to do it. To keep a Christmas tree in the house is allowed only during the New Year holidays, at the rest of the time it attracts negative energy and failures. The same thing should be done with the palm you gave. Do not drag a gift right into the apartment, otherwise personally bring in the house big problems. Leave the exotic beauty behind the threshold and admire it from a distance.Photo: Getty Images

Things that can and should be kept in the house

Animal skins not only decorateinterior, but also will contribute to successful trading, as well as the influx of new customers (this is especially true for those people who work in the trade). Dry flowers (certain inflorescences and herbs) are a home guard and contribute to well-being, wealth, health and prosperity. It is necessary to hang several bundles in the appropriate places. Animal carts guard the house from misfortunes and attract cash flow to you. For example, dogs, bears, tigers, dragons can protect you from failures, elephants coming one after another and decreasing in size from bigger to smaller, cleanse your house of negative energy and attract harmony not only to your home, but also to your house. Pillows (small decorative or large) are the charm of family relations and preserve the love between the spouses. It is considered, for example, that the tapestry cushions are kept from separation from your loved one (you will never be separated from it for long), cushions with a floral print positively affect your health, with the image of people or animals - protected from dangers and ill-wishers, and with plant motives - direct your thoughts in the right direction and help to reach heights in your career.

