Christmas treeChristmas treePhoto:ShutterstockThe culinary masterpiece, 3 m 10 cm high and weighing 415 kg, took two days to prepare – a team of students and masters from the vocational training centre worked on it all Friday and Saturday. A total of 50 people took part in the event. Using a special technology, the chefs baked sweet cakes, which required a total of 150 kg of flour, 150 kg of sugar, 1.5 thousand eggs, and 145 litres of vegetable oil. In order to assemble the structure into a single whole, another 180 kg of sugar and 40 kg of honey were needed. 18 kg of powdered sugar and 4 kg of chocolate, marzipan and poppy seeds were used to decorate the tree. The parameters of the tree were documented and submitted for registration in the Lithuanian Book of Records. However, this miracle tree will not exist for long: on Sunday, it was already being served to visitors of the shopping center. It is noteworthy that this is not the first culinary giant created by the Šiauliai Professional Training Center. In 2011, for Easter, the center's team baked a traditional Easter bunny 2.3 m high and weighing 301 kg.

