American foodAmerican kitchens in homes arethe dream of any hostess, equipped to the maximum for fast and high-quality cooking meals. And the main components - a refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, microwave oven - most often are an integral set of kitchens along with furniture when selling a house. But this dream is in demand very rarely - Americans love to eat, but do not like to cook! Therefore, the restaurant business is booming. Almost the only place where you can see the queue - this is a restaurant. They go here with families, with children of any age. In this case, the baby, too, will bring to order some porridge in the coolest restaurant. About products. It's not tasty! This is noted almost all. Even the Americans themselves, who have the opportunity to compare their products with ours. The American who came to visit his friends was ready three times a day to eat our cottage cheese, pouring sour cream and honey over it and jamming it with smoked sausage. In this case, the pleasure on his face was absolutely childish!
In grocery stores kilometers of shelves with incrediblenumber of products, many of which we simply have not heard. And if there are problems with the language and there is no picture on the box - it is better to refrain from buying. And they don’t like to draw pictures, because how do you depict sour cream, and WITHOUT fat? And all sour cream-creative-raw-yoghurt-like products are mass (we’ll eat cheese curd on a business trip, without thinking, for breakfast in any city in Russia). Semi-finished products have everything, and snacks, and the first and second, and dessert, and pastries - if you want to cook dinner, at home it will take a maximum of half an hour (along with serving and taking out the garbage). And in a more convenient form than we are used to. For example, a jar the size of our “Pemolyuks” contains puff pastry, which when defrosting turns out to be quite voluminous.
Seeing firsthand the problem of "fat" in America,I decided that if I would feed my household with the usual Russian food such as borsch, dumplings, roasted meat, pancakes or pasta in a naval manner, potatoes and cereal, then this attack would pass us. However, when I saw a cute piece of pork with a diameter of half a meter with a bone no more than 5 cm in the store, I tried to imagine that pig whose musculoskeletal system is practically alone ... There is a pig in the bone, a bodybuilder by the number of muscles. Most likely, this pig helped to grow up fairly. It is impossible to keep such a mass on such bones, if I still remember something from the mat? Without a doping control test, I would not advise American athletes to eat meat. Milk there does not turn sour, but goes rancid (sour milk cannot be obtained), and peeled potatoes do not darken! Strawberries, watermelons, and salads are all year round in stores, which, in general, is not wild for the southern state, but to taste it is a solid model! You feel like a cheated child when someone instead of a candy wrapped a crust of bread in a candy wrapper. By the way, the bread itself, yeast, they do not eat. Only toasts. And why do we limit ourselves in bread in the first place, when once again go on a diet? Judging by the Americans - not in the same bread case.
Why did the problem arise at the time?popular among the people "Bush legs", chicken drumsticks? Yes, because any farmer starts the day with an injection of antibiotics to each guest of his barnyard - so that they do not die prematurely, and hormones - so that they reach marketable weight faster. As a result, regularly consuming this bouquet of antibiotics, your body develops a strong immunity to these drugs. And, God forbid, in the event of a serious need to use antibiotics to save your health, your body may disagree with the opinion of doctors and say: "Yes, I have already tried all this - nothing helps!" So, my idea of healthy food turned out to be untenable for the objective reason of the lack of healthy products in the public domain. True, they say that there are stores that allegedly sell natural products, but the prices there are such that there is reason to believe that sour cream is brought there from our Prostokvashino, and even on a special flight. Arriving at Christmas, we were able to try traditional turkey and pumpkin pie. Why do they eat turkey with cranberry sauce (to my taste – jam), and is it obligatory)? Options with horseradish, mustard, ketchup are considered an encroachment on American foundations. Cooking turkey is a whole ritual. It seems to me that the stoves in the kitchen are used only once a year for this very purpose. A little red pimple is inserted into the raw bird, which jumps out of it as it is ready. We would also not hurt such an invention for lazy housewives, only with a whistle. Again, you will not overcook, and it saves energy resources. There are a lot of special seasonings for it. Cooking time depends on the weight of the bird, but not less than 3.5 hours.
Pumpkin-pie ... if you add citrus to the pumpkin,medku, nuts, the same cranberry - it would still be edible, and so - a very big lover of diet food. But - in every home is a must! Again - semi-finished darkness. What America eats so little about is fish. The most common and affordable - it is salmon, and already processed. Fish ruin did not see even once. Sensitive relatives, knowing my fishy weakness, gave me a kilogram of hake ice cream for the New Year - and it was the most delicious gift! Domestic cats got only a smell. The price of fish is three times higher than the meat. It is clear now why our well-known humorist says that the Yankees are stupid - where can they get phosphorus from? And it is absolutely not clear why? Two oceans on the sides. During travel I had to snack several times at McDonalds or Subway. I am not a principled opponent of fast food. My communication with them was of a one-time travel nature in Russia and did not leave any bright impressions. Therefore, I decided that spoiling fresh vegetables is difficult, especially if you drink it not with Coca-Cola, but with dry red wine (carried by illegally in a coffee mug). Later, we discovered a completely acceptable network of feeders with fried chicken and macaroni and cheese. I had a chance to try only two cuisines - Chinese and Mexican. The summary was consistent - dumplings are better! At the same time, in any restaurant it is completely natural to ask for a box for packing the uneaten one with you, but how much is paid for! And it is not necessary, making excuses, to smile - for a dog, they say.
Inviting guests to the house, Americans precope, what exactly do you prefer for the hot - meat or fish? And be sure that your ONE piece will go to you. And the owners will not have to finish the Olivier and French meat for three more days, blessing the occasions that allow the family to eat in a festive way not only on the day of reception of guests, but a few days later. They do not know how to create their own small joys! With alcohol, problems sometimes arise completely out of the blue (for us). Americans drink no less than us, but more often - a much larger weirdo. Beer is sold in packs - it is much cheaper than one bottle to take. Moreover, before reaching the house, you will not drink it anyway, if you have nothing to wrap it from prying eyes. They have no labeling of sugar content in wine, so I could not find an analogue of my favorite Kindzmarauli from local California wines. The strength of vodka on the label 98% plunged me, a chemist, into a stupor. But the biggest shock was December 24, when we were invited to a party and, according to the good Russian tradition, we decided to come with our bottle, just in case. So at Christmas, alcohol is not sold ANYWHERE and ANYONE, not even beer, even at the most remote gas stations! How do they wash a newborn? In conclusion, I want to warn those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Traveling to America will be a serious challenge for the most vulnerable part of your body, be prepared for this!
And my three-month stay in this well-fed, and fromThis sweeping country will remind itself of itself for a long time by changing forms and moving to the next weight category, despite all attempts to preserve the usual food culture and lead an active lifestyle. I wish you health and bon appetite!