What is insurance?

Repair insuranceRepair InsuranceIn legal terms,Insurance is a useful legal institution that provides for compensation for damage to the owner in the form of payment in the event of insurance risks stipulated by the contract. In our case, we are talking about damage to or destruction of property. In the insurance policy, the person who makes insurance payments is called the property insurer. In this case, you can insure not only your property, but also, for example, your parents' apartment. Then you will become the insurer of the property of a third party. The insurance company (hereinafter referred to as the company), based on the value of the property, determines the amount of the monthly premium. The insured value of the property is determined by the insured himself, this is enshrined in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. However, the company most often prefers to send its expert appraiser to the site in order to avoid cases of fraud. However, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, when you buy a so-called express insurance policy, the insurer, saving both your and their time, agrees to the amount you name if it fits within the limits set by the insurance company (for example, this is how apartments are insured for the duration of summer vacations or summer cottages whose cost does not exceed a certain amount). The policy must necessarily contain a detailed list of insurance risks - those life situations, upon the occurrence of which the company will pay compensation.

Civil liability insurance, or "Repair insurance"

What is this for?Apartment repair insuranceApartment renovation insuranceIf you thinkabstractly, each of us is a potential pest for our neighbor. Due to carelessness, everyone can fail to turn off the tap, fail to put out a cigarette, or leave a saucepan on the stove. And as a result, not only your own apartment will suffer, but also your neighbor's. However, here at least there is some part of your guilt, albeit indirect. But if you are planning a renovation (or, what is even more dangerous for your neighbors' apartments, a redevelopment), then it is the builders you hire who can cause damage to your neighbors, not you. It is for such cases that civil liability insurance is provided. For those who are not the owner of a car and, therefore, a participant in the OSAGO (auto insurance) system, we will explain. Civil liability insurance assumes that you are insured against causing damage to a number of people. Simply put, such an insurance policy is purchased in case you yourself, family members living with you, or persons hired by you cause damage to the apartment or even the life and health (it all depends on the insurance conditions) of neighbors. Subject of insurance For homeowners, two options for third-party liability insurance will be of interest.

  • When carrying out repairs –from damage caused to property, life and health of third parties (the insurance contract is concluded for the duration of repair and construction work). This option is necessary if you are remodeling your apartment; otherwise, you cannot obtain official permission for it.
  • Upon completion of the repair –from risks that arise due to the consequences of repair and planning work. Such an insurance policy comes into effect after the completion of repairs and the signing of the acceptance certificate. It is valid from one year to one and a half years.

Insurance risksIt should be noted that the list of cases covered by the civil liability insurance policy is small. Damage is compensated for as a result of:

  • Gulf (or flooding, which is not the sameand same) – sudden unforeseen impact of water and (or) other liquids as a result of the policyholder's (or insured person's) intervention in the design of water, heating and sewerage networks. In other words, if a new mixer tap or heating radiator was installed incorrectly, then the neighbors' whitewash that fell from the ceiling will be restored at the expense of the insurance company. Please note that even your aquarium, especially a spacious one, can be the cause of flooding. Therefore, do not forget to include your hobby of fish breeding in the list of possible sources of danger.
  • Fire – uncontrolledthe effects of a fire capable of spreading independently outside of places specially designated for its starting and maintenance, as well as the effects of combustion products and fire extinguishing measures used to prevent further spread of the fire.

Cost of the policyCost of the insurance policyThe civil liability is set by the insurance company and is determined as a percentage of the maximum possible payment. The amount of such payment is usually named by the insurer itself. The amount depends on the quality of the house you live in, the date of its construction or major repairs, and whether the company has information about the quality of neighboring apartments. If the damage is minor - for example, a couple of sheets of wallpaper fell off due to flooding - the insurance company will most likely offer compensation for partial repairs instead of paying the full insured amount. Otherwise, you will have to prove that the entire wall needs to be re-papered. Signing the contract Read the text of the contract carefully. Read the clauses that talk about possible exceptional cases when payments are not provided. Usually such exceptions are related to intentional damage caused by the policyholder or a member of his family. If the damage was caused through negligence, compensation is usually made in full. And also: some companies in the contract provide for a division of negligence and gross negligence, pay attention to this. If the damage was caused by outright negligence (for example, safety requirements were not met), the insurance company will offer to compensate for losses only partially. Procedure If your neighbors' apartment was affected, the first thing you need to do is record all damage and conduct an examination to determine its cause. It is quite possible that your repairs have nothing to do with it, but the general deterioration of the building's communications or the actions of the neighbors themselves are to blame. The examination will be carried out by the insurer. If you do not agree with its results, you can contact independent experts. Based on the results of such an assessment, the insurer will determine the amount of compensation. Another option is also possible: not you, but your neighbors will apply for compensation for damage. In this case, the procedure will be somewhat longer; the injured party has the right to demand compensation only in court. However, in this case, an examination will be carried out and, again, the amount of insurance compensation will be established. Likewise, an examination will be appointed in court to determine the amount of damage, and in the event that the neighbors decide to appeal the amount of insurance compensation assigned by the insurance company.

