Dog barkingPhoto:ShutterstockThe Los Angeles City Council has decided to amend the local law on silence, which exists in almost every city, including Moscow. According to the new rule, owner's dogs will be prohibited from barking for more than 10 minutes at a time. And the total duration of barking, if the dog barks intermittently, should not exceed 30 minutes in 3 hours at a time. Owners whose dogs dare to violate this law on silence will be fined according to a progressive system. The first time a barking dog will have to pay $250, for a repeat violation the fine will be $500, and for subsequent violations - $1,000. The regulation will come into force by the end of this year. The new regulation was born after a court case against the owner of a dog that was bothering all of the neighbors with its constant barking. Meanwhile, it is precisely . Obviously, owners of dogs prone to frequent and loud barking will have no choice but to either hand over their noisy four-legged friends to shelters or have their pets have their vocal cords removed - this surgical intervention will certainly outrage animal rights activists, but it will save families from being ruined by dog barking and will keep the dog in the family.