Seasonal vegetables
Fruit still life
Quince Is it an apple or a pear, this yellow oneThe fruit, known to mankind since time immemorial, hides a lot of advantages behind its unremarkable appearance: quince can be boiled (it produces luxurious jams, jellies and preserves due to its high pectin content), baked with honey, fried and served with game, cooked into compote, .Autumn vegetablesPomegranateNoble ruby colorgives this fruit an additional sophistication that it doesn't really need. It is already the king of all fruits (it is believed that it was the pomegranate's tail that suggested the shape of the royal crown to people). By the way, not only the sour-juicy berries are edible, but also the seeds - in China, for example, they are ground with sugar. Pomegranate is equally good both fresh and especially for poultry, and even as a seasoning: in India, dry crushed pomegranate seeds are added to various vegetable and legume dishes.
Fig Season is very short, and stock upfor a long time fresh fruits will not succeed, so enjoy the figs in their natural form, as long as there is a seasonal opportunity; dried and dried you can eat all year round. However, many dishes will not do without the piquancy that the taste of figs gives them. PersimmonTo the food of the gods (as the Latin name of this oriental fruit translates) was divine and tasted, do not rush to buy the first fruits that appeared on the shelves of unripe persimmon can discard all desire enjoy this juicy fruit, and then you will not be able to try all of its varieties and culinary possibilities. Of course, persimmon is out of competition and by itself, but in salads, desserts, pastries and jams, it also feels great.
FeijoaThis plant with a strange name comes fromdistant South America, but you can try to grow it at home on the windowsill. It is worth making it at least for the sake of fragrant sweet-sour and very healthy fruits, with which you can do anything - eat fresh, grind with sugar, make jam, cook jam, add to salad or pastries.