Attitude to food based on two criteria– «can» and «cannot», becomes a real trap for us during sumptuous family meals, New Year's feasts or friendly gatherings: it is almost impossible to maintain control over yourself at such moments. Our consultant: Gerard Apfeldorfer - French psychiatrist and psychotherapist; specialist in eating disorders; vice-president of the scientific association GROS, which studies the problems of obesity and excess weight.Balanced diet for weight lossBalanced Diet for Weight Loss Fashionthinness is endlessly increasing the list of taboos – as well as the number of diets designed to protect us from them. It's not just about those who constantly exhaust themselves with restrictions. «Almost everyone has their own food taboos, – explains Gerard Apfeldorfer. – I call taboo those products that we try to avoid in everyday life, but which we begin to consume in huge quantities as soon as we lose control of ourselves for even a minute. This creates a vicious circle: the stricter the ban, the more inevitable and negative the consequences of breaking it. The stronger the taboo, the more dependent we are on it. No product in itself causes immediate weight gain – it all depends on our attitude towards it». Restore balanceThe goal of these exercises – restore your inner balance by learning to perceive "dangerous" foods as normal and to eat those that are impossible to resist in moderation. These exercises are used in psychotherapy and require persistence and effort, like any serious work on yourself. Therefore, do not despair if at first glance they seem impossible to you. It takes time to learn to relate to food clearly and calmly, without guilt and fear that we may not have enough of something in this life.

