1. Pumpkin is the most relevant product of the autumn-winter season: it is tasty, and useful, and practical in all respects - it can be grown anywhere in the world, it can be stored all winter, contains a valuable set of vitamins and minerals, serves as the main ingredient for many different dishes. 2. Pumpkin is the champion in the weight category among vegetables: the smallest can weigh up to 1 kilogram, the most gigantic - half a ton (the fruit of 558 kg is recognized as the record).Pumpkin Recipes
Pumpkin porridge
Dip Fondue Fondue 3. One of the main advantages of the red vegetable is vitamin A, the content of which pumpkin is not inferior to carrots, which means that, in addition to vitamin A, pumpkin also contains many vitamins: C, B1, B2, B12, PP, D, and others.4. Cellulose, which is in a pumpkin, is easily digested even by a weakened organism, therefore pumpkin dishes are recommended for therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition. Pumpkin is a storehouse of minerals: it contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, fluorine and zinc.
Pumpkin and apple puree soup
Sea Bass Fillet with Pumpkin
Glazed pumpkin ice cream6. Pumpkin juice has a diuretic effect and is therefore useful in diseases of the kidneys and bladder: for the prevention of urolithiasis often drink half a cup / glass of fresh juice per day.7. In pumpkin only 20 kcal per 100 g - just a godsend for those who strictly watch their figure. There is even a pumpkin diet - for two weeks you need to eat four times a day a variety of pumpkin dishes. The value of a pumpkin is not only in its flesh, but also in seeds - they contain a lot of zinc, protein and iron. Seeds can be eaten both dried and fried, and even better - added to salads.
Pumpkin Pie "SWEET BABY"
Pumpkin Kissel
Pumpkin with lentils and chestnuts9.Pumpkin can be used to make It is equally well suited for cooking, salads, main hot dishes (stewed, baked), pancakes, pies, jams and even jelly. 10. You can also paint pumpkin and cut funny faces out of it - it's high time to stock up on the red vegetable, because Halloween is coming soon!