A photo: GettyImages Michelle is an English teacher at the British Academic Center, has been living in Krasnodar for 16 years. She studied Russian at the University of Voronezh, and came to Krasnodar by distribution. - In Krasnodar, everything was new and interesting. My own cuisine, my traditions that are close to me - I loved your country and this city. But, of course, I missed English cuisine. For example, when I arrived, there was a terrible shortage, and even milk for tea was difficult to buy. Not to mention my favorite sausages. Because those pink things that were sold in stores do not look like English sausages at all. Ours are in a transparent casing; it is immediately obvious that there is meat inside, spices, and greens. We fry them, it turns out incredibly tasty! Therefore, when I went to my mother, I brought sausages with me. And then my mother suggested that I do them myself, I bought a shell for the future, a machine for the filling and brought them to Russia. Now everything is easier - there are supermarkets where you can buy anything. Although I still bring some products with me or send me: “beef tea” - meat sauce, “marmite” - special pasta, yeast extract, you can make toasts with it, baking powder, which makes excellent baking. There is no “cheddar” in the stores now - and this cheese is the best for English casseroles, it forms a delicious crust. Trying to cook with Dutch, but still it's not that.
Michelle likes to buy fruits and vegetables on SennoyMarketPhoto: Personal archiveI love the Sennah market very much. There you can find beautiful greens, vegetables, fruits, spices. Grandparents grow and sell - everything is so delicious! I recently needed a leek. Ran through all the supermarkets - not found! And on the market, please, grandmothers sell such fresh, juicy! In general, Russians think a lot of things about English cuisine and the English, but not so much. For example, that we adore oatmeal in the morning. Me not. I actually started having breakfast three years ago. Oatmeal because it is useful. But I do not stand on ceremony with her - just pour boiling water and that's all. Fruit too lazy to cut. Or that the British drink tea all the time. I am a coffee lover. I drink tea very rarely, only in England, very strong, with milk. And without sugar - the shore teeth, terribly afraid of dentists. In general, some brands of English tea are made just under the hardness of water. That is, in England it is delicious, in Russia - no longer. The recipes that I share are real English. They are very fond of English families, I also cook sometimes.