Mental illness listMental illness list Photo:The World Health Organization (WHO) has come up with an unusual decision: they have released a new list of diseases that psychiatrists should pay attention to, supplementing it with such ailments as vegetarianism and raw food diets. To the surprise of all plant food devotees, their eating behavior is now officially referred to as "mental disorders of habits and desires." It should be noted that the dietary regimes of fans of vegetarianism, and even more so a raw food diet, are often criticized by the public, not to mention doctors and nutritionists. So, doctors believe.As a refutation of this point of view, the vegetarian community has released many books and programs claiming that refusing to eat meat in favor of vegetables and fruits is not at all dangerous, but, on the contrary, leads to an improvement in the physical condition of the body. But now all the arguments of vegetarians and raw foodists have come under attack, because hardly anyone will undertake to challenge the decision of the World Health Organization. However, its specialists have a reason for such decisions: many cite the reason for including vegetarianism in the list of mental ailments is an incident in Malaga, Spain, where one of the local families forbade their children to eat meat and cooked foods. As a result of strict parental measures, the babies were hospitalized in serious condition, and their father and mother were sent to a psychiatric hospital. The vegetarian community reacted to this incident and to the WHO decision, noting that it was not responsible for what happened, because it did not consider it acceptable to impose their food habits of those who disagree with them, or those whom they can harm.

