Five Steps to the Beginning of a New Life

Planning of the family budgetPlanning of the family budget 1. Calculate costs and determine budget items To begin, you will honestly answer what you are spending money on. To count money, especially those that are no longer there, is not the most exciting activity. But the game is worth the candle: so you can save up to 30% of your monthly income. First, make a small monthly estimate. Experts call this our "ideal idea of ​​spending," which often has nothing to do with reality. Return from heaven to earth will help you the next step - a diary of money, where you will daily make all the expenses for the day. In order for the information to correspond to reality, collect all (all!) Material evidence - checks from supermarkets, dry cleaning receipts, payments from mobile operators, in general, those pieces of paper that will help to remember what the money was spent on. In order not to count on the calculator, download the program of "home accounting" from the Internet - it will not only give you a picture of real spending, but also systematize the main items of expenditure. This is, however, not a quick thing - getting used to a new life will take from one to three months. But, comparing your ideal and real financial plans, you will find black holes, in which huge amounts of money fall through. Having closed them, you can start planning your budget with a clear conscience. Formula of the ideal budget Mandatory expenses- 50% "Pillow of security" - 10-20% Pocket money, entertainment, shopping - 30-40% 2. Pay yourself and make a financial planWith a salary "to yourself" we mean the usual stash. Begin regularly to postpone 10-20% of earnings and you will see that in a few months you will have a fat - money. Financiers call this a safety cushion, which ideally should be 3-6 monthly salaries. It performs two functions simultaneously: insurance in the event of a crisis situation, as well as starting capital for the realization of your dream. The budget of any person consists of fixed costs and unplanned expenditure. First, deal with fixed - for housing, food, transportation, children and parents, mobile communication, training and payments on loans. And on the fitness club and medical services. On average, all this costs about 50% of all expenses - it is difficult to save here. If you rent an apartment, keep in mind that, ideally, rental costs should not be more than 30-40% of the budget. The rest of money (30-40%) is pocket money, they can be spent painlessly for a month. Of course, large purchases should be planned in advance and in no case do not pay for them with consumer loans and credit cards - these are the most expensive loans from all possible. Computer programs for cost control1. "Home Accounting", 300 rub.2. "Accounting for personal finances 3.00", 210 rub.3. "Oracle of money", 580 rub.4. "1C: Money", 200 rubles. 5. "Money Microsoft", 930 rub.6. «AceMoney», 300 rub. Free programs1. "Cash" ( "Home Budget" ( 3. "Personal Accountancy" ( 4. "CashFly" ( -program also contains reminders about the birthdays of loved ones, diary.5. "PFD 2002" ( 3. Think of a financial dream and start implementing itFinancists (who in the soul are still romantics, they just do not show it) assure that each person's finances are called upon to realize two scenarios: the fulfillment of the dream and the opportunity to live here and now. Therefore, after we decided on spending, it's time to dream. After all, while we have nothing to save, the money will melt all the time. What to dream about? Love is not for sale, but beautiful laptops, cars, own apartments, houses in Montenegro ... Goals can change over time, but in any case, do not forget about them. Take a piece of paper and write on it about all your material dreams. Then try to figure out how much it can cost. 4. Communicate with an intelligent person Financial consultant can become a very important person in your life. It is a specialist who professionally manages your finances and gives advice on how to manage money in an adult way. And if to be absolutely exact, then that valuable part, which we monthly pay ourselves, that is, a stash. Its task is to plan your expenses competently, and at the same time to invest your savings depending on the goals that you identify with it (save or earn). Experts say that people's financial problems appear in two cases - when there is no money and when there is money. So far, in our country there are many consultants who solve the second problem. They need to be found in private consulting firms, management and investment companies, banks that provide private banking services (although the latter is relevant only for those who have at least 250 thousand dollars on their account). To determine the level of professionalism of a financial adviser, find out what his work experience, whether he has many clients and whether they can be contacted for recommendations. On average, personal consultants charge $ 50 to $ 150 per hour for their services. If the consultant undertakes to work with you for free, do not believe him. Most likely, he is nothing more than a seller of financial products - mutual funds (mutual investment funds) or services of investment companies. You will be helped

  • Consulting company Fullfreedom Investments http: //www.fullfreedom.ruTel. (495) 642-9498.
  • Consulting company Rich Consultinghttp: //www.rich4you.ruTel. (495) 788-7285.
  • Consulting group "Personal capital" Phone: in Moscow 8 (903) 612-2917, in Minsk +375 (29) 648-8250.

5. Do not be afraid to take the stash to the bank. This is the first step towards your own capital. Even a deposit account (term deposit) is already an investment. But further, as the funds are accumulated in the account, they can be invested in more long-term and profitable instruments - in mutual funds, in real estate ... Just keep in mind that the annual interest rates on bank deposits barely cover inflation (in 2006 it was about 9 % in year). The exit can be a multi-currency deposit, when within one deposit the amount is divided into several parts in different currencies: rubles, dollars and euros. The yield for each part will be different, but in general this will help to save funds. When opening accounts, ask the bank employee to calculate to you the effective interest rate, that is how much you will receive on average from all three currencies.

Wallet and Life

We asked three girls to honestly paint onthat they spend money every month. And the director of LLC "Consulting Group" Personal Capital "Vladimir Savenok strictly looked at their writings and assessed whether they reasonably distribute their expenses. Form №1Name: Elizabeth City: St. Petersburg Age: 30, married, daughters 4,5 yearsProfession: financial analyst Monthly income: $ 1300 Monthly expenses (in $). Apartment: 100. Food: 200. Food at work: 50. Machine: 100. Mobile connection: 20. Clothes: 100. Cosmetics: 50. Personal care: 100. Education: 50 (payment of kindergarten and circles for the child). Travel: 100. Entertainments: 50. Housekeeper: 30.Medicine: 30. Loan payments: no Total (in $) Expenses: 880 (which is 67% of income) Honeysuckle: 100 Additional expenses: Per car: 1000 per year on insurance and 500 per year for the planned TO.Fitness: 600 per year. Last purchase: TV (400) Financial credo: Less to spend, more to earn and not to borrow. What the doctor will say: Elizabeth has an excellent financial credo, which can only be supplemented with another principle: you need to manage your money, and not let them control us. To date, Lisa's income for $ 320 more costs. I do not see any excessive expenses in her budget and I can not give recommendations on how to reduce them - Lisa has already cut everything down so much. The only thing I paid attention to is the cost of the car. Should I buy expensive insurance for him for $ 1000? And the annual maintenance costs are quite high. If Lisa invests $ 320 a month, the accumulated amount will cover all annual expenses (insurance, gym membership) and she will have another $ 1,740. Not bad at an income of $ 1300. Questionnaire number 2 Name: Olga City: Moscow Age:26, married, no children Occupation: PR specialist Monthly income: $ 4000 Monthly spending (in $) Housing: 0 Food: 450 Mobile communications: 80 Loan payments: 150 (car) Transport (car): 150 Transport ( taxi): 150 Internet: 15 Clothes: 300 Cosmetics: 100 Personal care: 250 Travel: 250 Entertainment: 50 Medical services: 70 Purchase of magazines, books and DVDs: 100 Total (in $) Expenses: 2115, which is 53% of income. Security: 4000 on a bank deposit. Last major purchase: a roof to the country house (3500 in October last year) Financial credo: The more I spend, the more I earn. Financial goal: One-room apartment in What the doctor will say: With a high income, Olga's spending is much less than her fixed costs - by $ 2100. But here a logical question arises: what does the girl do with this money and why did she take out a loan for a car, and did not buy it at her own expense? As for her financial goal, the cost of such an apartment is very high, and even when using a mortgage loan, she will have to make a significant down payment - about $ 100,000. Olga does not have this money today, but she can easily create capital if she starts doing regular investments. My recommendation is to roughly halve the cost of clothing, personal care, and a taxi (it’s not clear why she spends so much on it when she has her own car), as well as the press and DVDs. Then Olga will be able to monthly purchase an apartment in Moscow worth $ 300,000 and purchase it in 2009 using a mortgage loan of $ 200,000. Анкета № 3Name: Надежда City: Novosibirsk Age: 29 years old, divorced, one childProfession: financial manager Monthly income: $ 5000 Monthly income (in $) Accommodation: 400. Food: 550.Transportation (car): 500. Children: 400. Mobile connection: 80.Cash on loan: 1480 (a car). Clothes: 500. Cosmetics: 100. Care for themselves: 350. Travel: 400. Entertainment: 200This (in $) Expenses: 4960, which is 99% of the income. Zanachka: no. The last major purchase: Louis Vuitton suitcase (2200) Financial credo: I spend everything I earn. I live here and now. Financial objective: Under the mortgage to buy a good apartment. What the doctor will say: With good income - good expenses. But for today Nadezhda does not even have a reserve fund - everything goes into spending. With an income of $ 5,000, the reserve fund must be. My recommendations for reducing costs are as follows: clothing - up to $ 200; personal care - up to $ 150. The car is from $ 500 to $ 250. (I do not quite understand how a car can eat $ 500 a month ?!) The loan for the car must be repaid ahead of schedule and this amount is allowed to be invested. From next month, Hope is quite able to start regularly investing at least $ 750 per month. And after repaying the loan - $ 2230 per month. I also advise Nadezhda and other young ladies, who are the main earners of money in the family, to insure their lives. There are a lot of accumulative insurance programs, which, by the way, are very disciplined and oblige to carry out regular investments.

