
Can be used

These materials are natural, but with reservations ... Parquetand parquet boardWood is an environmentally friendly material, there is nothing better than it. But! The whole thing can be ruined by varnishing. “Cheap synthetic varnishes emit aromatic hydrocarbons,” explains Nikolay Krivozertsev, a technical expert at Ecostandard. “Our experts have discovered toluene and xylene in such varnishes, which are used as solvents. These substances can irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes, cause skin diseases, and, with constant exposure, threaten to seriously damage the nervous system. The adhesive used to join the boards can release toluene and acetone, which are toxic substances. What to do: Do ​​not buy cheap synthetic varnishes. Read the label carefully - what the varnish is made of. If you have already found money for - do not spoil it with a poor coating! Ceramic tilesAlso almost ideal, from an environmental point of view, finish. The tiles are made from natural materials and usually do not emit any harmful substances. But! The glue used to fix the tiles may contain phenol and toluene (see "Cut and save!"). What to do: Take a look at the composition of the glue and do not use harmful ones. Print and save! See these names in the product composition - think about your health :

  • Toluene, xylene, acetone (solvents) - toxic substances, can irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes, the skin.
  • Formaldehyde, phenol formaldehyde - carcinogenic, toxic substances. Being allocated, irritate a throat, bronchial tubes, a mucous membrane of eyes, reduce immunity.
  • Phenol is toxic. Fumes irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory organs, and skin.
  • Benzene - in large doses causes nausea and dizziness, with prolonged exposure can cause blood diseases.
  • Dioxins are very dangerous substances that can accumulate in the body, suppress immunity and provoke the development of cancer.

Paper Wallpapers— Between wallpaper and wall should bea layer of air, - explain the experts of "Ekostandart". This condition is fully consistent with the paper wallpaper - the cheapest. They let the air through. And also newfangled, but expensive "eco-wallpaper" - from jute, bamboo, canvas, etc.

Better avoided

LaminateThis coating is extremely popular becausequite economical. But it is difficult to call it eco-friendly. The composition of it is not very different from the long-time "branded" fiberboard (fibreboard) and chipboard (chipboard) - all these materials usually use formaldehyde. The question is in what quantities? What to do: Pay attention to which premises the specific type of laminate is intended for (see the label or ask the seller for instructions). In any case, this is not the best option for the nursery. Linoleum Theoretically, there is such a thing as natural linoleum, but you can hardly find it on sale - it is usually used in medical institutions. Most of the types of synthetic linoleum, in the opinion of environmentalists, are located on loggias and in utility rooms. - Inexpensive linoleum, especially new or when heats up in direct sunlight, highlights a whole range of different organic substances in its composition - says expert "ekostandartam" Denis Ananiev. - Remember how linoleum smells in the store! Expensive imported linoleum is not so smelly. But at a cost approaching parquet, and it is better to buy parquet. What to do: If you still opt for linoleum, do not buy cheap. Especially if the label says: “Only for industrial premises” (in the market this one can be used). Linoleum floor should be washed at least 2 - 3 times a week, so that it does not accumulate an electric charge. It is not dangerous to clean the chemical composition. But environmentally friendly is not considered. Because if you are allergic or asthmatic, there will be big problems! And the carpet perfectly absorbs odors, so it is better not to use it in the room where people smoke. What to do: Stock up on a washing vacuum cleaner. This unit eliminates dust and odor. But if you are prone to allergies, it’s better not to get a carpet. Vinyl wallpaper If the wallpaper does not breathe, that is, do not let the air through, then a mold can form between them and the wall. With vinyl wallpaper, it happens, and it happens. Therefore, according to environmentalists, vinyl is more suitable for the hallway and the kitchen. What to do: In the nursery and the bedroom it is better to glue paper wallpaper. 50% of the finishing materials offered now in the markets will not pass elementary environmental impact assessment and may be considered unsafe for health. ( According to the company “Ecostandart”.) Plastic panels— If you trim a toilet or a bathroom with plastic panels, that’s okay, the experts of Ecostandard explain. - But at the stove, where the temperature is high, this material begins to release dioxins when heated. The same, by the way, concerns plastic windows. Under normal conditions, they are completely environmentally friendly. But when a fire melts - and then they are dangerous. PaintIt is the paint that is considered to be the most non-ecological material. Of course, not any. But we have plenty of cheap stuff and fakes. “Low-quality paints can cause allergies,” ecologists explain. - In severe cases - problems with the liver, kidneys, nervous system. What to do: Environmentalists advise buying paints of famous brands - they meet international standards. And it is better - in chain stores where there is less chance to buy a fake. Water-based paints (water-based paint) are usually safe - they do not contain solvents. How to buy a safe “finish” 1. The degree of environmental friendliness of finishing materials is indicated on the package E1, E2, E3. This is a class of emission of harmful substances.

  • Е1 - an ideal material, suitable even for children's rooms;
  • E2 - suitable for antechamber, kitchen, bathroom. For the bedroom and living room is better not to take;
  • E3 - material for decoration of industrial premises. For the apartment is not suitable.

2. Be sure to ask for a hygienic certificate. The certificate always indicates which harmful substances are emitted from the purchased paint or, for example, the wall panel. If these substances are recruited 5 - 10, think about it - or maybe it is not worth buying anyway? True, many hygiene certificates are fake, they are easy to buy. And if certificates in good stores are most likely real, then there are many “leftists” in the markets. 3. Many finishing materials have special badges for ecological purity. For example, “Grünupunkt” (on imported materials), Ecomaterial (on domestic materials) and others.

