Diets do not workDiets do not work

1. The diet is improperly selected

Never choose a diet forcompany» or because you liked it because it has everything you «love» or are used to. A woman who is used to eating cutlets and sausages three times a day will certainly choose a protein diet. Although her body is «filled» with protein to the limit, but it lacks fruits and vegetables, but — «habit is given to us from above». So (if you have decided to do this yourself, without medical advice and supervision), track your diet. Find out what products you consume a lot of, and which — little. And choose a diet so that your menu becomes more balanced, or on the principle of compensating for what is missing.

2. Secondary benefit

Secondary benefit from extra poundspsychologists call the benefits we don't realize we get from an existing problem. On the one hand, we sincerely want to get rid of it, on the other hand, we need the problem because this is the only way we can get something very important for ourselves. Gaining weight is the body's defense reaction to any discomfort, mixed with the desire to get food as pleasure, reward, on the one hand, and to avoid punishment, on the other.Even in childhood, a child may begin to experiencecraving for sweets, having learned that it soothes. After all, food is the first pleasure available to a person from birth. Thanks to the culinary efforts of parents and grandmothers, the baby unconsciously continues to gain weight in order to meet expectations: everyone knows that "good girls and boys eat with appetite and leave nothing on the plate". That's it, the program is laid down, all that remains is to conscientiously follow it in order to avoid punishment. Sometimes weight begins to grow in response to strict control from parents, as an internal protest and a way to say: "I am an independent person, and I can afford to be different from what you want me to be". In this case, the more parents focus the child's attention on his weight and other shortcomings that are visible to him (but not always really existing), the stronger the protest will be. At school, peers have a great influence. If a child gets into a situation of rejection by the group, the emergence of excess weight and its rapid increase can also be a kind of protest. And sometimes the only effective way to attract attention is if not with your advantages, then at least with your disadvantages. Stressful and successful studies also give the subconscious a reason to turn on the program of gaining excess weight: "I am a smart, serious and responsible person, completely different from these stupid dummies with model figures". And what about "eating away" exam stress! With marriage, other reasons are added: the subconscious considers itself obliged to adjust the body to a more feminine image of a wife and mother, that is, a lady with pronounced forms. In the professional sphere, both for women and men, one of the reasons for being overweight can be a subconscious desire to have a greater professional or scientific WEIGHT among experienced colleagues. In this case, a large body mass becomes a synonym for authority. The very fact of realizing the unconscious reason for one's obesity is already a lever for weight loss, capable of getting rid of the obsessive desire to constantly chew something.

3. Feelings of guilt

It's not so important what and how much you eat, but rather,HOW you feel about what you eat and the process of eating food itself. If you eat a huge cake with joy and pleasure, believe me, it will not do you much harm. But if you accompany every tiny piece of chocolate or smoked sausage with a feeling of guilt, remorse and thoughts about how disgusting you acted - the harm will be noticeable. All the information that you accompany your meal with is firmly recorded in your body - so be sure to eat with pleasure and gratitude, enjoying to the fullest even the most forbidden fruits.

4. Dislike for yourself

The greatest irritation occurs during periods of stress, no matter howparadoxically, we cause it in ourselves. Our figure is not right, our eyes are the wrong color, our nose is too big, our hair is bad, in short, we don’t like everything. Which we never tire of reminding ourselves of every time we look in the mirror. And this is additional stress. Therefore, instead of constantly criticizing yourself, give yourself compliments, smile at your reflection, and instead of looking for flaws, look for advantages. With this approach, you will give yourself love, care and attention, contributing to the additional production of endorphins and a successful fight against stress and extra pounds.

5. Strict adherence to the diet

Too strict adherence to a diet createsadditional stress for the body. And during stress, instead of breaking down excess fat, the body, on the contrary, directs all its energy to accumulating it - what if it gets even worse? Therefore, be sure to allow yourself to relax sometimes (about once every 5-7 days): go to a cafe with your girlfriends, eat your favorite forbidden dish or just an extra portion, drink coffee with a cake or your favorite dessert. Keep in mind that at the moment when you feel hungry, fats are not broken down. Therefore, all food should be distributed throughout the day in such a way that you do not want to eat.

6. Permanent "relaxations"

But too many indulgences can have an impactyour diet is just as bad as following it too strictly. Stop hanging out with your friends for a while, trying to get you off track and saying, "Well, just have a bite, just try it, it's so delicious!" and use the time you have to go to the fitness center.

7. Lack of vitamins

For normal functioning our bodyshould every day receive a very definite dose of vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances, without which he simply can not work. So, choosing and following a diet, this factor must be taken into account in the most careful way. Otherwise, the body simply does not have enough strength, and as a result, instead of good, there will be one harm.

8. Amount of liquid

To ensure that accumulated deposits are removed frombody, a large amount of liquid is needed. And we get liquid only from water! You can drink as much tea, coffee, juices as you like - there will still not be enough liquid. This is the most common misconception: that everything liquid that enters our body is a drink. In fact, everything except water is food and requires digestion in the stomach and intestines. Therefore, drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day. And you also need to drink correctly: 20 minutes before meals, and in no case during - this way you dilute the gastric juice and complicate the process of food processing.

9. Settings

Do you listen to your body when you are about to eat?or deciding whether you are full or not? Or do you replace its signals with the attitudes you learned from childhood: "lunch should consist of three courses", "no meal without bread", "soup is a must every day, otherwise you will go hungry", and so on? Learn to separate your attitudes and real desires - then you will always be in harmony with your body.

10. Belief in the instant result

The fact that various«weight loss» supplements, drugs, pills and teas that promise instant results are far from always as useful and safe as the advertising claims, I think, is known to everyone. But someone buys them! I hope not you? If you want to use such drugs, be sure to consult a doctor (and not a dealer of the distributing company) and take them under his strict supervision.

