bed linen poplin what kind of clothbed linen poplin what kind of cloth1 / 2Photo: "Fabrics for bed linen" Photo: "Fabrics for bed linen" Poplin - a weaving cloth, made of their long-fiber. Raw materials for the production of poplin are taken in higher quality. This fabric is very pleasant to the touch, dense, smooth. Sometimes buyers complain about bed linen because of the appearance of spools or so-called balls on products. Good cotton fabric will never be covered with pellets! Here either there is synthetics (this is the most frequent reason for the appearance of these unpleasant defects), or the raw materials from which the fabric was made are of very poor quality. By the way, this fabric can already be seen visually - you immediately determine the quality fabric in front of you or not. But the presence of synthetics can be verified in a simple way - by firing a piece of tissue. Of course, when buying a ready-made set of bed-clothes, you do not have such an opportunity - you already after the purchase, so to speak, in fact, you can experiment and check. bed linen poplin what kind of clothA photo: "Fabrics for bed linen" When buying a fabric or tailoring order in the store "Fabrics for bedding", the department's consultants will be able to demonstrate the quality of the fabric - to carry out this experiment with you and you will be 100% sure that this is cotton. In the store " Fabrics for bed linen "presents a variety of good producers poplin. Drawings of modern designers in an excellent color scheme. Stores "Fabrics for bed linen" can be found at: Lenin, 73, the magician. "Amber", st. Mira, 107a, TC Globus. Tel. for reference: 62-01-18

