TreeFacing the facade of the houseFacing the facade of the houseBetter than a tree can only be a tree - socount millions of people on the planet. This is a living, environmentally friendly material. In a wooden house it is warm in winter and cool in summer (due to low thermal conductivity), it is easy to breathe in it (thanks to the constant exchange of air and a constant level of humidity). Wooden houses are quickly mounted and beautifully aged, and all this for relatively little money. Thank God, our wood is still cheaper than stone and brick. If the house is made of thick logs or lumber, sheathing is not necessary. But in our climate, most buildings still need warming, which means additional decoration of the facade. At the height of fashion today, the crate is made of a thin bar, as well as the wooden siding of all stripes: planed and unplanted boards, painted, lacquered, tinted , moraine ... Particularly impressive are gray antique boards, which have already passed the test of time. Do not forget about the good old lining. However, first of all, due to the harsh weather conditions, the lack of good paints and varnishes, it did not differ in durability, and this led to the fact that the paneling causes a stable idiosyncrasy. It's a pity. This inexpensive and environmentally friendly material has a high potential. Today, it is quite possible to find weather-resistant lining of well-dried and antiseptic-treated wood. The democratic block-house is especially loved by the people - a kind of round-shaped lining made of spruce or pine 3 or 6 m long, which gives the house the appearance of a log. True, we do not share this love, and therefore proceed to the shortcomings of the tree.

  • Any wood paneling does not tolerate moisture. Moisture can be fought by picking up decay-resistant rocks: pine, ash, oak and larch, or by waterproofing under a layer of plating.
  • Important! Do not use poorly dried wood in construction.
  • In addition to its protective properties, antiseptics can improve the appearance of wood. Color compositions do not hide the natural texture of wood and reliably protect it from the sun's rays.
  • The main enemy of the tree is fire. Flame retardants based on aqueous solutions of salts (boric, phosphoric or silicic acids) will help to escape from it. Of course, they will not stop a strong fire, but they can delay the spread of the flame.

StoneOf course, most respectable on the facadelooks natural stone. In addition, it is very practical - not afraid of frost and winds. To destroy the stone, nature will have to work hard for more than one century. The most durable material is the well-known granite. Popular dolomite, slate, travertine and marble, which has the most shades (there are more than 200 varieties). But besides them there are dozens of rocks that, if desired, can be used in the decoration of facades. As a rule, the stone is sold in the form of tiles cut into identical rectangles or massive slabs of natural shape. Stone tile is usually about 2 cm thick.

  • Porous limestones and sandstones are the most affordable materials, but they must be protected from moisture with special impregnations.
  • In general, any stone requires care. To do this, it is necessary from time to time to use protective compounds that are applied to its surface. They prevent pollution and do not allow stains to form.
  • Heavy stone facing can withstandonly solid brick or concrete wall. They fix the plates on a metal grid or according to the technology of a ventilated facade, leaving a distance of about 20 cm between the wall of the house and the cladding, which would save the most expensive and beautiful stone.

Artificial stoneArtificial stoneIt has been produced for a long time, but only in recent years has the “substitute” in quality come close to the original. The term “artificial” does not mean at all that there are some substances dangerous for a person in the material. On the contrary, decorative stone according to all characteristics is an absolutely harmless, environmentally friendly material consisting of sand, cement, fillers and dyes. Its texture can be any, but most often they buy a stone with a “wild” surface imitating river boulders or chipped rocky rocks.

  • Artificial stone is lighter than natural. It can withstand any walls.
  • Artificial stone is easy to install. On concrete or brickwork it is “planted” on a special glue without preliminary preparation of the wall.
  • Artificial stone is usually laid from the top down, so as not to stain the bottom row.
  • You can use this material anywhere: for cladding the entire wall, ground floor or foundation, for landscape works and objects (gazebos, grottoes and ruins).
  • The artificial stone must be treated with a water-repellent solution to protect it from moisture, because in winter, water frozen in the pores can cause cracking.

Facing brickFacing brick by compositionand properties similar to decorative stone. It can be smooth, glazed (with a glassy colored layer), textured (with a relief pattern of the front surface) and shaped, which is used for masonry of complex shapes - arches, pillars, etc. One of the most spectacular options is a brick, imitating the old masonry, with embossed surface and chips. Modified Concrete Tile An inexpensive (but heavy in weight) alternative to polymer panels — a front tile made of modified concrete — also imitates brick or stone masonry. This finishing material can be used both on ventilated facades and on conventional cement masonry.

  • The advantage of a modified concrete front tile over polymer panels is that it resembles brick or masonry not only in appearance but also in touch.

Polymer panelsFacade polymer panels with usnot very popular yet, although they look very attractive and are able to depict any kind of stone, brick or turn into pine shingles, reproducing the rough structure of natural wood. These panels, made of modern composites, reliably protect the walls.

  • They almost do not change their size under the influence of temperature.
  • The additional acrylic coating makes their surface fireproof, resistant to fading and prevents dirt from sticking.
  • This is probably the only material in the installation.which you can save. Installation of panels is simple and will not cause difficulties even for an amateur. The panels simply snap into each other and fastened with screws or nails. If it is impossible to mount the panels directly on the facade, they are mounted on a metal frame or on a wooden crate.
  • Throughout the operation on the panels are notSalts will come out, they do not need to be treated with special water-repellent compounds, and they are not destroyed by water (such as, for example, facing bricks).

Siding Vinyl siding is indispensable in a situationwhen you need to quickly and cheap sheathe or perelitsevat old dilapidated facade, arrange a ventilated facade with additional insulation. Siding repeats the structure of wooden wall paneling and has a range of about 15 colors, traditional for painted wood, but still remains only an imitation.

  • Vinyl siding is loved for ease of installation andcheapness (the panels have already made holes for fasteners on a flat wooden crate), for ease of maintenance - no need to paint and protect from moisture, on the contrary, it can even be washed with a hose.
  • Poor siding quickly burn out andheating in the sun produces an unpleasant odor. Better quality can stand up to 50 years, but in our area, prone to temperature changes, severe frosts and sharp thaws will reduce its “life”.

Wood siding On wood siding, although itand is the progenitor of all types of siding, in our country there is practically no demand. And this is easily explained by stereotypes of thinking: in the minds of Russians, this material is strongly associated with clapboard, which needs constant care. In Europe and America, where everything natural is valued very highly, wood siding is considered a luxurious material, but this is not a decisive argument for our fellow citizens.

  • The main drawback of wooden siding - a dislike for moisture and the fear of fire - is compensated by its spectacular appearance, which, with proper care with antiseptics and varnishes, will please the eye for a long time.

Metal sidingAluminum and steelSiding options are more durable than vinyl counterparts, but their harsh appearance is only suitable for homes in a modern spirit. To give a spectacular appearance and protection from external testing, aluminum panels are coated with PVC film or paint. Steel protects against rust with a special lacquer coating.

  • Aluminum and steel siding does not burn or rust.
  • Aluminum siding has one drawback - there are dents left on the bounce.
  • Steel siding is much stronger than aluminum, although it costs about the same.
  • Steel siding is heavier. It can be used only in the event that the foundation of the house was originally designed for an additional load.

Cement siding in our country cement sidingjust started to find his fans, although this material is almost thirty years old (it was invented by the Australian company James Hardie). Professionals agree that cement siding will soon become the second most popular finishing material after vinyl. It is produced from cement with the addition of cellulose fibers. In the process of making such a siding acquires the texture of wood. After that, it is subjected to high-temperature processing, acquiring additional strength.

  • Cement siding is not afraid of strong wind, sunlight and mold, it retains its size and shape even at maximum temperatures. It is issued a 50-year warranty.
  • When installing and cutting this material, cement dust harmful to human health is formed.

Plaster There was a time when plaster was consideredthe simplest, cheapest and most primitive way to finish the walls. Traditions are not the worst thing, especially if they are supplemented with achievements of progress. If before the main criterion for evaluating the stucco facade was beauty, now, it is impossible to do without the requirements of sound and heat insulation. Therefore, in the traditional material began to add all sorts of fillers, which extend the life of the coating and improve its characteristics. Such is porous, or "warm" plaster with a special filler. The common opinion that this material is capricious and will have to be updated regularly is not quite right.

  • If the facade is plastered by professionals without violating the technology, the coating will last for years, without fading and without losing texture.
  • Plaster withstands mechanical loads and is a low-combustible finishing material.
  • It is made from environmentally friendly components and is able to breathe, as it has a microporous structure.
  • It is possible to apply plaster on any surfaces: concrete, cement, brick, plasterboard, wooden, metal. In this case, all the flaws of the surface (microcracks, swellings) will be cleverly disguised.
  • High-quality plaster is not afraid of moisture, after drying it can be washed and cleaned by any means that do not contain solvents, and besides, it withstands temperature drops from –50 to +75 ° C.

CopperFor finishing the facades of country houses, copperso far they are rarely used - which is a pity, because this is one of the most durable materials. For him, 100 years is not age (unless, of course, there are no destructive impurities in the alloy). You can clad facades with sheets or special snap-in cassettes (they are more suitable for a modern-style home). To reconcile lovers of antiquity with this metal, patinated (oxidized) panels will help. The owners will not have to wait long for the metal to nobly age and turn green, the house will immediately acquire a "history", imprinted on its walls. What's interesting: even after installation, the color of the patinated copper continues to change. The metamorphoses that will occur with the facade over the next 10-30 years are entirely dependent on the composition of the alloy. Copper with aluminum will turn a little green at first, but will eventually turn golden. Brass, composed of an alloy of copper and zinc, will eventually turn dark brown from an unabashed red-gold. The alloy of copper and tin will first turn grayish-red, and then gradually begin to blacken.

  • Remember, whatever the alloy, in 30 years the copper surfaces will still be covered with a “classic” copper patina of green color.

Alternative Materials List AllFinishing materials for facades is almost impossible. This area is a boundless springboard for creativity. Some architects are experimenting with earthen blocks, recalling the adobe buildings of the past. Others do not abandon hinged glass panels and introduce new types of plastic into practice. Supporters of the environmental movement are laying walls of houses ... with old tires, which are poured with earth and empty bottles. They say that sound and heat insulation in these houses is at a height, and the neighborhood was significantly less debris. Where to buy

  • Metal siding - Techno Nicole Company: Moscow region, Lyubertsy, ul. Transport, 2, t. (495) 101 4611
  • Metal cassettes and siding - Elko Company: ul. Kazakova, 31/20, entrance 1, office 7, t. (495) 748 3565
  • Panels, tapes, sheets of copper and zinc - Company "Delos", st. Sadovnicheskaya, 71, t. (495) 505 1579
  • Copper facade cassettes - Cuppro Company, t .: (495) 334 1910, 334 1901, 228 7902
  • Fiber Cement Siding and Panels - James Hardie Company
  • Aluminum siding - Stroyprestizh Company: Golikovsky per., 8, t .: (495) 959 4943, 953 3008
  • Sandstone, limestone, natural pebbles - Poltavsky Alexander Vladimirovich, t .: 8 921 391 3154, 344 0382
  • Facing and ceramic bricks - Enki Trade Company: STROY-CITY TEC, ground floor, Ts-3 pavilion, 24 Nakhimovsky Prospect, bld. 1, t .: (495) 129 4433, 780 7369, 647 8096
  • Wall paneling - Tox Company: Varshavskoye highway, 28 F, t .: (495) 933 2591, 722 7029
  • Artificial stone - Chelsea Stone Company: B. Semenovskaya st., 49, office 206, t .: (495) 737 6373, 737 6391
  • Clinker brick - Facade Ceramics Company: Leningradsky Ave., 80, entrance 3, office 601, t. (495) 363 0750
  • Artificial stone - Ecolit-Trade Company: 24 Nakhimovsky prospect, bldg. 1, 2nd floor, office 203, t. 124 7391
  • Slate - STC "Everest-Isolation": Dmitrovskoye sh., 107, t. (495) 101 3611

