Sea fish recipesEveryone knows that fish– this is a valuable and nutritious product that should be present in our diet at least a couple of times a week. Historically, freshwater fish was especially popular in our country. In some regions, this situation still exists. As for sea fish, there is a huge assortment on sale now. Exotic fish and non-fish seafood are widely represented in retail chains. If earlier you could only try shellfish or oysters in some expensive restaurants, now things are better… And this is quite justified, because sea fish has countless advantages.
Firstly, the main advantage that distinguishesThe main difference between sea dwellers and their river relatives is the high content of complete protein. Fish protein, like meat, contains all the essential amino acids, and it is absorbed much faster and easier. Depending on the type of sea fish, the percentage of protein varies from 20 to 26 percent. For comparison, in river fish it rarely reaches 20 percent. There is not much fat in fish, and therefore its caloric content is much lower than that of meat. But it is a unique source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic and arachidonic, which are part of brain cells and cell membranes. Cod liver oil, tuna, and conger eel are very rich in vitamins A and D (0.5-0.9 mg/%). Sea fish also contains a whole complex of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, and PP, as well as vitamin C, but in smaller quantities. Sea fish pampers our body with iodine, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and sulfur. Other microelements that help maintain good health include bromine, fluorine, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, etc. By the way, it has been proven that freshwater fish, unlike sea fish, do not contain iodine and bromine. The methods for cooking sea fish differ from river fish. If you want to feed your family or guests a truly tasty and healthy sea fish dish, it would be a good idea to remember some rules: 1) When boiled or stewed for a long time, sea fish completely loses its structure and turns into a tasteless mush. Besides, long cooking contributes to the loss of vitamins. Control the time so as not to spoil the dish!
2) Sea fish has a peculiar smell. Baking fish in batter and batter helps to correct this deficiency. This will help to preserve the natural properties of the fish and eliminate the sharp iodine odor. It is also recommended to pre-soak the fish in milk or in water acidified with lemon juice. 3) In marine fish, the head is never eaten, in which harmful substances are deposited.4) Before cooking, sea fish should be thawed in cold water. Do not do this with warm or hot water. So the fish will become tasteless and lose sight. Appetizing you dishes from sea fish!