I'll start from the stove, that is, from my home man. The rest of the examples surfaced in conversation with friends. Read and ... take note.Photo: Getty

1. He drys the linen in folded form

It would seem silly to fold a duvet cover,so that it dries all day. And at first it irritated me. However, the fact that he folds the laundry and hangs it on the loggia himself reconciled me with this "quirk". As expected, I noticed the advantages much later: in this form the laundry does not dry out, which means it is easier to iron. If desired. I do not observe it. So I am content with neatly folded dry sets, which only need to be folded again and put away in the closet.

2. He inflates bags of greens

And then he ties them and puts the resulting onesballoons in the refrigerator. This trick is done so that the greens can be stored longer. And indeed, in such a mini-environment the herbs feel great - they stay fresh and do not dry out. I recommend repeating it alone.

3. He heats the hob before cleaning

It turns out that this way the fat comes off more easily.Before scrubbing the stove, he turns on all the burners for about 10 minutes to heat the surface evenly. After that, it's much easier to scrape off food residue and drops of fat. Why didn't I think of this before?

4. It uses car cleaning agents

He uses car glass spray to wash the windows andmirrors, and the body cleaner removes burnt fat from the kitchen stove. Street dirt fighters deal with refined home dirt in no time. The most impressive sight is how burnt fat dissolves, you just have to spray it with car cleaner. You don’t even have to rub the surface with a sponge, just wipe off the spray residue with a paper towel. The only downside is the not very pleasant smell, which, however, quickly disappears if you open the windows after cleaning, as is traditional.Photo: Getty

5. It is retracted within sight

If you can't see the dirt, it doesn't exist. A very convenient approach, but only if there is no time to clean according to all the rules.

6. He does not sweep the floor before wet cleaning

Another express method from the category of "two inone": dirt and dust are collected in one sweep of a wet mop. The main thing is fast. It is better not to argue with him about the dubious cleanliness of the floor with such acceleration. And what "secret" techniques do your men have? The list is open!

