It is clear that this choice is personaleveryone's business. But since my husband comes to the sink, God willing, once a week - I absolutely do not want to buy two products. On principle. So it remains to sort out the issue and give our comprehensive answer to Chamberlain, or rather - to my husband. And at the same time to myself. Foam of daysDishwashing detergentsMy husband alwayssays: the better the product foams, the better. As it turned out, he is right. The ability of a product to wash a mountain of dirty dishes is determined by the presence of surfactants (surfactants) in it. Surfactants are responsible for foaming. The better the product foams, the thicker it is, the more dishes it will be possible to wash, and, therefore, the more economical the choice. According to laboratory tests of five popular detergents, Fairy turned out to be the most foamy (a teaspoon was enough to wash 15 plates), then come AOS (12), Pril Power Gel (11), Bingo (10) and Dosia (5). At the same time, the rinseability index distributed the products somewhat differently: Pril Power Gel is completely washed off with water (the index is as much as 101%!). Fairy and Dosia took second place. Bingo took third place. AOC, contrary to advertising assurances, completes this list. "And such a pleasant smell." Yes, yes, yes, this indicator is one of the most important for me. I will not buy a single shampoo, soap or cream without smelling it first. Therefore, for me, it should, at the very least, smell unobtrusive, and for the most part, pleasant. It turns out that in terms of smell intensity, products with the inscription "Freshness" on the label are in the lead. Next come various citrus fragrances. After them - fruit and berry compositions. Apple aromas are considered relatively neutral. And fragrances with aloe have the mildest smell. Here, of course, it's a matter of taste - some like intense smells, others - more delicate ones. In any case, keep in mind that the aroma of lemon or, for example, wild berries does not mean that the product contains extracts of the above-mentioned fruits. One hand washes the other
Any dishwashing detergent does not degreasenot only the plates, but also the skin of the hands. The stronger, the better and thicker the product. After all, table salt acts as a thickener (!). Hence the irritation on the skin. By the way, even if the pH of the product approaches the cherished mark of 5.5 (it is claimed that this is the pH of the skin surface) does not guarantee that the detergent will not have an irritating effect. You can save velvety hands by wearing rubber gloves. But this is not aesthetically pleasing and personally inconvenient for me. Manufacturers of products took this circumstance into account and added various softening components to detergents. The most common are glycerin, silicone and plant extracts. Glycerin and silicone create a protective film on the skin, which prevents it from drying out and the penetration of substances harmful to the skin. Note Do not forget that after just a few days, a new sponge becomes a place where a huge number of bacteria accumulate. This will not happen if you choose dishwashing products with antibacterial action. Plant extracts (for example, aloe vera milk) soften the skin, have a calming effect, and relieve irritation that can be caused by individual components of surfactants. Allatoin, which is used in the cosmetics industry, is an additive of a higher class - it is used in its products by Frosсh. But even with all the undoubted advantages of these additives, no one guarantees complete safety for the skin. So all that remains is to sadly put on gloves or at least use a nourishing cream after washing the dishes. Conclusion As expected, friendship won! Now I will only buy Fairy. It foams well, can wash a whole mountain of plates, and most importantly, my husband likes it. But I'd rather save on rubber gloves and buy myself a new hand cream, which I'll use before, after and instead of washing dishes. The materials from the site were used in preparing this article.