“Well, do you think you are friends?"- Tanya thoughtfully asked and ruffled behind the ear of her pet, the perky white-red corgi named Grisha. She asked not for me, but for the dog. And just like that. In two and a half months, Tanya will have a daughter. The first baby. How will the dog take it? They say that small dogs of small children do not tolerate the spirit ... “Give it to his mother!” Said friends. Well, how do you give it? Grisha is also a member of the family. He looks into his eyes like that! As if he understands everything. And better people who advise him to give. Yes, there are such cases when dogs do not accept children. Trying to bite at every opportunity, snarling. But very often it happens differently. For example, look at how a dog hugs his pregnant mistress. It seems that waiting for the baby no less than the parents.puppy for a childA photo: @ okayyymovingAnd this little dog protects the baby from a scary beast - a vacuum cleaner. Vacuum cleaner almost more than this very brave animal. But he feels responsible for the younger brother. And in the insult will not give it.get a dogPhoto: undercovergiraffeHow many more? Hundreds, maybe even thousands. We have collected for you 25 of the most tender photos that prove: friendship between children and dogs is real.

