Furniture for children's room photoFurniture for children's room photo To maximizeразнести функциональные зоны, стены детской можно выкрасить в разные цвета. Яркие оттенки необходимо «разбавить» светлыми. Кровать-шкаф, стол и система хранения из коллекции Poppi (Clei). Что бы ни говорили товарищи взрослые, а истина устами ребенка все же глаголет. Судите сами: откуда бы взяться извест­ной считалке, если не из детского, пусть небольшого, но уже негативного опыта? Утром – детский сад или школа, где интересно и весело, вечером – дом, где ждут уроки, ужин и сон. На следующий день маршрут повторяется. Выходные упразднены как крайне скучные, а потому несущественные. Да и чем заняться в доме, который плохо приспособлен для жизни маленьких хозяев?Декоративности и удобству интерьеров для взрослых уделено достаточно внимания. Детские же комнаты и их «начинку» обсуждают редко. Считается, что гораздо больший интерес как у малышей, так и у подростков вызывают совсем другие вещи. У мальчиков – «колючки, ракушки и зеленые лягушки», у девочек – «конфеты, пирожные и сласти всевозможные». За примером далеко ходить не надо. В списке товаров известного на всю страну магазина, который, кстати, почти полвека специализируется на товарах для детей, есть и игрушки, и книжки с тетрадками, и одежда с обувью. Даже питанию, косметике и автомобильным креслам отведено достойное место. Однако самое главное – обстановку – до сих пор обходят стороной. И вопрос, где же расположатся многочисленные модели гоночных автомобилей или игрушечные розовые пони, буквально повисает в воздухе. В самом деле, не складывать же дорогие сердцу ребенка вещи в непритязательные коробки!Важный фактор безопасности ребенка – качество матраса, который должен быть жестким и четко соответствовать размерам кровати.Между тем обустройство дет­ских пространств практически не отличается от проектирования взрослого жилья. Во главу угла ставятся аналогичные функциональные зоны: для занятий – кабинет, для сна – спальня, для активного отдыха – гостиная. Просто распределяются они внутри одного-единственного помещения, в соответствии с его объемом и освещенностью. Скажем, если площадь комнаты позволяет, игровую и рабочую зоны располагают там, где больше света – у окна. Спальню, наоборот, устраивают в наименее освещенном месте. Столь же тривиален и дет­ский мебельный набор. Как правило, это корпусная или встроенная мебель: кровать, шкаф или стеллаж с ящиками для хранения игрушек. Также в перечень предметов включают стол, стул, иногда кресло.Немного наберется и производителей, специализирующихся на выпуске детской мебели. Среди тех, чья продукция представлена на нашем рынке, отметим Vibel (Франция), Pentamobili, Siloma, Clever, Faer (Италия), Ylivieskan Puuserät, Sievä (Финляндия). Но вот что обнадеживает: собственное мнение на тот счет, как должен выглядеть «детский мир» или хотя бы некоторые из наполняющих его предметов, есть и у вполне «взрослых» фабрик. Таких как Caroti, Galli, Di Liddo & Perego, Foppapedretti, Calligaris, Clei (Италия), Röhr Bush (Германия), Marfe (Испания), Gautier, Ligne Roset (Франция), IKEA (Швеция), «Артим», «Дятьково», «Шатура-мебель», «Добрый Стиль», «Уфа-мебель», «Европа», «Заречье», Pushe (Россия). Скажете – какая разница, ведь скучно будет по-прежнему? Вовсе нет. Ведь для изготовления детской мебели подбирают не только более безопасные материалы (чаще МДФ и дерево, реже ДСП). Тут и более яркая, жизнерадостная отделка, и оригинальные формы, ну и, конечно, соответствующие размеры. Например, после 30 лет производства «взрослой» линии Togo фабрика Ligne Roset выпустила кресла, предназначенные для детей. Название и форма остались прежними, уменьшились только габариты. Аналогичные шаги предпринимают тяготеющая к морской тематике компания Caroti и романтически настроенная фирма «Артим». Глядя на крупные планы в каталоге, сразу и не поймешь, где мебель для взрослого, а где для ребенка. Все одинаково – материалы, фурнитура. Разница только в размерах, отделке или ассортименте. Так, Caroti предлагает вздремнуть на верхней палубе почти настоящего корабля. «Артим» же декорирует фасады шкафов, тумбочек и комодов росписью в традиционной английской манере, правда, используя для этого сюжеты популярных мультфильмов.Photo 1, 2.The easiest option is to select the main furnishings within one collection. Accessories will help to dilute it. The Empire furniture set from Shatura-mebel (left) and the Milan children's line from Europe (above). Photo 3. Even a room with neutral-colored walls can be cheered up by installing a shelving unit made of multi-colored cubes. Shelving unit from Foppapedretti.

Learning is light!

Although for the development of the child's personality it is the sameAll functional zones are important, it is better to start the conversation with the place for studies. By the way, few "adult" interiors can boast a separate study, but in the children's room its arrangement is a must. After all, it is here that the child consolidates the knowledge acquired at school, and receives additional ones: draws and writes, sculpts and draws, surfs the Internet. The main item in the study is a desk with a large work surface. It is good if the area of ​​the tabletop allows you to place a monitor, keyboard, etc. Not enough space? This means that the equipment will interfere with the main activities, and therefore it is better to immediately allocate funds for the purchase of a computer desk. If the child is keen on drawing or painting, you can buy a variation on the theme of a drawing board. In addition to the ruler and pencil case, the transformable desk has adjustable height and angle of the tabletop, sometimes a pull-out panel for the keyboard, and a bedside table. There are many such products in the assortment of German factories Hülsta, Moll, Kettler (from 16 thousand rubles). Me and my shadow If two children who get along with each other live in a room, you can organize common areas for sleeping, playing and studying. For example, install beds close to each other, and arrange two corners with bedside tables and nightlights next to them. A common tabletop is acceptable in a play or work area. Some desks, for example, the "Marker" BB from IKEA (from 9990 rubles), are immediately equipped with a storage container, but a more convenient option is the "Marker" BB from IKEA (from 16 thousand rubles). a separate mobile or stationary bedside table. With its help, a child will be able to quickly find a thing that has been lying around, and if necessary, the bedside table will successfully replace a small table. In order to maintain a room in a single style and not waste time searching for interior elements in various retail outlets, it is worth paying attention to children's sets. They are present in the assortment of most Russian factories. As an example, we will cite the sets "Imperia" (Shatura-mebel), "Octava" (Dyatkovo), "Milan" (Europa), "Aurora" (Zarechye), Insa (Ufa-mebel). They include not only a desk and a nightstand, but also a bed with a chest of drawers. The cost of a set of a desk, nightstand, small wardrobe and bed is from 17 thousand rubles.Photo 1.If space allows, a table already equipped with a storage container can be supplemented with a mobile nightstand. Table, chair, display cabinet "Marker" and nightstand on wheels "Gustav" (IKEA). Photo 2. Some factories limit their children's "range" to bedroom furniture. The rest of the furniture has to be found in other manufacturers. Bed and bedside table from the 124 collection (Marfe). Photo 3. The child's hobbies should be encouraged, trying to provide him with every opportunity for development. Storage combination "Ivar", work chair "Snille", wardrobe on wheels "IKEA PS" (IKEA).

It's time for fun!

Children are much more hospitable than adults.Therefore, the arrangement of the entertainment area implies not just the purchase of toys, but special furnishings of the place where games of "mother and daughter", "shop" or "pirates" will take place. Freedom in choosing an activity will help the baby develop independence. After all, children are constantly "traveling", turning the room into an impregnable fortress, then a ship, then an impenetrable jungle. Mobile seating areas would be appropriate as furnishings here, for example, the soft Zoe pouf from Calligaris, the inflatable Kelig Grod pouf from IKEA, the frameless chair "Cloud" from the company "Dobry Stil", the pillow "Spana" from "Pushe", as well as the original felt carpet-stool Gregory from "Ligne" Roset. The latter is interesting for its "tendency" to transformation: it is enough to move the "button" located in the center, and the carpet will obediently fold along the lines outlined during production, and will turn into a "stool". The most democratic offers are from IKEA - from 2013; from 649 rubles. You will have to pay an order of magnitude more for frameless chairs from Russian manufacturers. However, they can be used as the child grows up. It would be good if, after the games are over, you can put away the numerous bears and hares or the military arsenal somewhere. For open storage, it is better to leave textbooks, notebooks, in a word, something that will not distract the child from doing homework. As a closed storage system, you can consider a rack with drawers. The Foppapedretti factory has a good offer. Its shelves are made of natural wood, and the storage cassettes (in particular, with images of various flags) are made of nylon. No less interesting are the shelves from the Italian company Domestik. These storage systems expand as needed, so that you can build a whole wall or partition from them. It will not cost too much. Depending on the model, the module costs 1800-3600 rubles. By the way, it is convenient to put a low rack on wheels, then it can freely move back and forth around the room and serve as a table or a nightstand. The only drawback is that the modules are made of metal, and therefore it is better to buy them for teenagers.Photo 1.Depending on the model, the bed-wardrobe can be complemented by hanging shelves or a real wardrobe. However, this will be located directly above the sleeping area. Transformer furniture from the Poppi collection (Clei). Photo 2. To prevent children's furniture from looking too ascetic, materials of different colors are often selected for its production. Bed, wardrobe and chair from the Fantasia line (Ylivieskan Puuserät). Photo 3. The computer desk does not necessarily have to be made in a modern style. There are enough classic proposals now that will not conflict with the rest of the furniture. Display cabinet, bureau and chair from the Falegnameria Italiana collection (Parlani).

Good night, children!

The lessons are done, the friends have gone their separate ways, the time has comesleep. The obvious solution is a regular bed. It is easy to buy it together with other elements of a particular furniture collection. Regular beds are inexpensive (6-10 thousand rubles with a mattress). If funds allow, it makes sense to pay attention to furniture from foreign factories. Those parents who prefer classics to everything else will undoubtedly find suitable furniture for a child's room in the assortment of Marfe and Pentamobili. DiLiddo & Perego and Vibel will provide a modern solution, and a Scandinavian version on a country theme (Gustavian style) is available Ylivieskan Puuser and Siev. However, often a room intended for a child cannot boast of a particularly large area. And after installing a regular bed, and even with a chest of drawers and a nightstand, space for games and activities will have to be "won" from adults. However, there is a way out. Examples of room layouts (3.5 - 4 m) in a two-room apartment of the P-44T series:a) the work area is separated from the bedroom (sofa)rack. The recreation area consists of an armchair and a table; b) the study is arranged at the bottom of the bunk bed. The recreation area (armchair) is planned by the window; c) a large work area is located by the window. The entertainment area is limited by the TV; d) at night - a bedroom, during the day - an entertainment area. The study is arranged in the corner. Light and darkness It was previously believed that the light of a night light can cause myopia in children. But now experts reassure parents: scientists from several universities at once came to the conclusion that the presence of a lamp does not affect the incidence of visual defects. Therefore, if a night light helps a child fall asleep, you should not refuse dim lighting in the room. The first option is a bunk bed, or a loft bed. About ten years ago, this overseas two-story miracle was of genuine interest to both children and adults. Its strong points - the ability to place a work area or even a second bed below - were immediately appreciated. Therefore, today you can find a loft bed of a regular or fancy shape in the assortment of both foreign and domestic factories. True, it costs more than a regular one (from 9,000 rubles with a mattress), which is understandable. In addition to a sleeping place, this piece of furniture always includes a ladder, often bedside tables, sometimes a Sliding wardrobe. One of its ownThe best option is children's furniture made of environmentally friendly materials: natural wood (birch, beech, pine) or MDF. Be careful when choosing chipboard: the surface of the panels should be covered with a layer of veneer or laminate, and the ends must be protected with PVC edging. It is better to refrain from glass and metal furniture until the child finishes primary school. The second option is a bed built into a wardrobe. At night it serves as a full-fledged sleeping place, and during the day it turns into a false door. The advantages of such a bed are obvious: it is suitable for any, even the smallest room. But you can find this universal furniture only in the assortment of foreign manufacturers. Note that similar products corporate style of the Clei factory, which allows not only children (Young line) but also adults (Living collection) to take advantage of their advantages. True, the prices for furniture for "fathers and children" are equally high, and not all owners of small apartments can afford it. The only hope is that domestic enterprises will not remain on the sidelines for long, and we will soon see affordable bed-wardrobes on sale.Photo 1.A number of manufacturers make children's and adult furniture as similar as possible. The difference is only in size. Togo armchair (Ligne Roset). Photo 2. A shelving unit with multi-colored drawers brings an element of play into a children's interior. In addition, it helps to teach a child to be tidy. Shelving unit by Foppapedretti. Photo 3. A bunk bed is the best option for accommodating two children in a small room. Unipuu bed and toy boxes (Siev).Photo 1, 3.The elements of the cabinet furniture are maximally compatible with each other. If there is such a task, then on their basis you can build a whole children's "town", which will fit into the allocated space. Unisetti bed and Piilopuu wardrobe by Siev (left); Dream Work bed-table by Galli (right) Photo 2. If the desk is located near the window, this will provide additional lighting and an influx of fresh air necessary for mental work. Shelving, desk and drawers from the Start (Clever) line.Photo 1, 2.Since children's rooms are usually furnished in small rooms, it is best if the furnishings are as mobile as possible. Folding beds from the Yale collection by Clei (1) and from the children's line by Naturaix (2). Photo 3. It would be a good idea to complement a girl's room in country style with appropriate accessories. Bed and canopy "Minnen", table "Vika amun vika annefors", chair "Lanni" (IKEA).Photo 1, 2.A child with a penchant for drawing or painting will need a special transformable desk that allows you to change the angle of the tabletop. Xpert desk from Hülsta (Photo 1) and a desk stand from the Science line from Moll (Photo 2). Photo 3. If the child already has a computer, a separate desk will be needed. The desk top should be as free as possible. Rondo computer desk (Siev).Photo 1.The fewer sharp edges and right angles the furniture has, the better for the child. Therefore, it is better to use frameless chairs and pillows as seats in the nursery. Frameless chair "Cloud" (Good Style). Photo 2. Small shelves on wheels can be used not only for storing things, but also as a bedside table. Mobile shelf O-Shape (Domestik). Photo 3. If desired, a whole "wall" can be assembled from modular elements. Shelves from the C-frame collection (Domestik). Photo 4, 5. A child can move lightweight poufs from one place to another, transforming the room space as desired. Zoe pouf by Calligaris. Photo 6. It is better to keep only those things that a child uses constantly in sight. Aldas shelving unit (UNO Design). The editors would like to thank mbtm, design house Vepsäläinen, Ikea, WWTS, and the furniture factories Dobry Stil and Evropa for their assistance in preparing this material.

