Small white wormsSmall white wormsShutterstock The girl bought takeaway food at the McDonald's restaurant, and when she began to eat, she saw living creatures in it. “We got into the car, I started eating McChicken. I ate more than half and at some point I saw a worm on this cardboard thing in which they give food. At first I didn't understand what it was, I just threw it off. Then I saw a worm in the sandwich box itself on lettuce leaves, got scared, and closed it. And then I saw that a worm was also crawling out of this box. Small this size, very similar to berry worms, "- said the victim to radio" Kommersant FM ". The frightened girl took the spoiled fast food to the cashier, demanded to return the money, and the manager compensated the client for the order. The Russian sanitary service became interested in the case. The head of Rospotrebnadzor, the country's chief state sanitary doctor, Gennady Onishchenko, said that he was ready to start checking the McDonald's network. According to him, the victim should have received not only money back, but also compensation for moral damage. “Buying this, if I may say so, food, a person did not assume that there were any additional living beings in the form of worms. I remind our fellow citizens that hamburgers, even without worms, are not the right choice of food for the population of Moscow and Russia. This food is not ours, "said Gennady Onishchenko. Recently, Canadian scientists have established that fast food causes depression. Trans fats, found in french fries, burgers, margarine and cheap sausage, spoil the mood and, in some cases, can lead to suicide.

