It is very difficult to call onions the most delicious andfavorite of all existing vegetables. But despite this, it managed to thoroughly “leave its mark” on world history. On the walls of the Egyptian pyramids, you can find hieroglyphs telling about the amount of onions eaten during construction. Moreover, there are even references to it in the Bible! It is strange that the ancient Romans and Greeks did not immortalize the “tear-producing” vegetable in sculpture, engraving or literature. But it was on it that the former placed hopes for protecting the house from demons and other evil spirits, and the latter considered it a sacred plant and decorated sculptures of the patron god of nature with onions.
Onions RecipesCreating Onions, Nature,apparently decided to play a trick on us, disguising with a vigorous taste a lot of all sorts of useful substances. After all, if the onion's gastronomic qualities were directly proportional to its healing properties, it would have been listed in the Red Book long ago. Judge for yourself. The main value of onions - volatile production - natural antibiotic, ruthless to streptococci, diphtheria, tuberculosis and dysenteric bacilli. Sulfur-borne sulfur in the sharp smell plays a very important role in the digestive process, stimulates insulin synthesis and the elimination of toxic substances. Onions are rich in zinc, which, as you know, is simply indispensable for men who want to live an active sex life. Zinc is also useful for the immune system, pancreas and pituitary gland. If you think that this list of useful onion components has been exhausted, then you are deeply mistaken. Fluorine, manganese, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins C and B, and many, many others remained in the supply. TAKING WITHOUT TRETITION It would be reasonable to assume that one of the perfumers would decide to include notes of onions in the perfume composition. True, his very distant relative, the speed bow, has become one of the components of the perfume Cuir Mauresque, Serge Lutens. But this is an exception. After all, since ancient times it has been associated with vulgar cuisine and poverty. Therefore, he has no place in the "fragrant kitchen." Modern cosmetologists do not particularly appreciate onions, but “folk”, on the contrary, are very respectful and get rid of freckles, pigment spots and dandruff with it, they fight wrinkles and hair loss. That's just the smell of these home rubbing can scare away others. MUSIC OF THE DAY
Capri Restaurant Chef Nikolai Areifulinsure no onion in the kitchen anywhere. It is boiled and fried, dried and marinated, baked and passaged. And also added to salads, or seafood, served as a side dish. And finally, the famous French onion soup is made from it. By the way, the onion soup was originally the food of the poor, and only a century later it migrated to the restaurants menu. Cooking is easy. It is necessary to clean the onions, remove the top film and the core (it gives the wrong flavor). Thinly chop it and simmer in butter for at least 30 minutes. For a particularly refined taste, you can add white wine, sherry or balsamic vinegar, as well as spices, such as thyme or sugar. Then pour in meat or chicken broth and stew a little more. In a deep plate or clay pot, put in advance a cooked toast of white bread with a piece of edamer cheese, pour the soup, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and set to bake until golden brown appears. * Capri Restaurant: 7, Sakharov Ave., t .: (495 ) 207 5253