Plant treatmentPlant treatmentViral, bacterial and fungaldiseases affect plants throughout the growing season - from early spring to late autumn. They bring the wind, transmit pests. Diseases can be brought to the site with manure, seedlings or bulbs. There are practically no “drugs” from viral diseases. When they occur, you have to resort to radical measures - to destroy the affected plant, otherwise the infection will spread throughout the garden. Bacterial diseases in the conditions of the dacha farm can be slowed down - but not for long, therefore it is safer to engage in their prevention. Fungal diseases, the most common and numerous, fortunately, are treatable. Last month of summer - the time of activation of fungal diseases. It was in August that powdery mildew, late blight, fusarium and spotting are especially active. And at the same time, we are updating berry beds, planting bushes, bulbs of daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, tulips. So that diseases do not deprive us of the harvest, you need to take care of plant protection right now.

Prevention is key

ScabScab Prevent disease, detect it onearly stage and take action is the task of any gardener. However, it is even better if trees and shrubs, flowers and vegetables have immunity - at least to diseases characteristic of a given culture. Research institutes are constantly working on the development of disease-resistant varieties. Keep this in mind when choosing varieties to plant. (When buying seedlings from random people, think about the fact that 80% of such planting material is usually infected.) In addition, the immunity of plants can be strengthened. Growth regulators and microfertilizers will help with this. Many diseases give way to immunostimulants "Zircon", "Albit", "Epin-extra", "Buton". They can be used without fear - they are not poisons that destroy harmful microorganisms. Such drugs activate the immune system, increase resistance to infections. To process everything that is planted during the season, microscopic doses are enough: the plants will be protected from diseases, weather stresses are overcome, and the pesticide load is reduced. "Zircon", made on the basis of the medicinal plant Echinacea purpurea, is endowed with natural fungicidal properties. "Albit" is a biofungicide (obtained on the basis of the biosynthesis of beneficial soil bacteria), which erects a powerful barrier on the path of pathogens. "Bud" stimulates growth, budding, flowering and fruit formation, strengthens plants, increases their resistance to disease and stress. Microfertilizers "Ferovit" and "Tsitovit" will help to recover after the transferred one. In addition, they cope with diseases caused by nutritional deficiencies and weather stress.

Side effects - for the benefit

Powdery mildewMealy dewThere are complex drugs,combining several qualities. For example, they simultaneously fertilize, stimulate plant growth and suppress pathogens. Natural fertilizer "New Ideal" in addition to humic acids and basic nutrients contains natural soil bacteria that suppress late blight, scab, moniliosis, all types of rot and other fungal diseases. As part of the “Signor tomato’BB” fertilizer, effective for tomatoes and peppers, nitrogen-fixing bacteria are present that protect plants from those pathogens that do not tolerate nitrogen. "Barrier" and "Barrier" are also fertilizers, although the names reflect their protective function. The soil bacteria contained in them suppress the causative agents of many fungal diseases, including late blight, scab, root rot, Fusarium and others. True, suppress - does not mean treated. These drugs are best used throughout the growing season, until the disease has become an epidemic.

For running cases

MoniliozMoniliasis Unfortunately, illness is not always easyidentify early on. In addition, many diseases occur only in the last phase, when the plant is not cured, and the garden has to be saved. In such cases, you will need the most powerful tools. Fungicide pathogens kill fungicides. These chemicals can be compared with antibiotics that we take. They are toxic, but effective. From many pathogenic fungi are able to protect the copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur, "Chom". The drugs are also toxic, so they are used either in early spring, before the buds bloom, or in the fall, when the harvest is gathered. They treat not only the affected plants, but also the soil on which the diseased bushes or trees grew. Disinfection of land in the fall is a necessary procedure. Fungicides of the new generation are less toxic. Natural antibiotic "Maxim" gives good results in the treatment of planting material and disinfection of the soil. It destroys the infection and creates a protective film on the bulbs, tubers, rhizomes. This drug is very effective against a harmful lawn disease such as snow mold. The main thing is to spray the grass before the snow covers it. At the same time, “Maxim” is absolutely safe for beneficial microflora. The drug "Skor" will help to defeat the scab, gray decay and powdery mildew. It protects and treats fruit trees, ornamental shrubs, flowers and at the same time is harmless to bees and other insects. Late blightLate blight Pathogenic fungus late blight - "plague" -also destroys tomatoes and contaminates the ground. Chilly damp weather, cold August morning performances with abundant dew and fogs greatly contribute to its spread. The systemic preparation "Ridomil Gold MC" is a double protection of plants, from the inside and outside. It is absorbed into the leaves and penetrates into the tissues of the whole plant. After half an hour, the cells affected by the disease die, and a protective film forms on the surface of the leaves and fruits, which will not "let through" new pathogens. The drug lasts ten days. The new growth that has appeared during this time will also be protected. Rain "Ridomil Gold MC" is not washed off (this is a very valuable property, since in bad weather the pathogenic flora multiplies especially quickly). The systemic preparation "Topaz" effectively treats berry bushes and cucumbers from powdery mildew, and flower plants also from rust. It also lasts ten days and is not afraid of rain. The new Horus systemic fungicide also protects and treats stone and pome fruit trees in any weather, even cold and damp. "Horus" copes with monilial burns, coccomycosis, clusterosporiosis, perforated leaf spot of stone fruit crops. It is no less effective against scab, powdery mildew and fruit rot of apple and pear.Photo: Tatiana Shkondina, Dmitry Korolko, Anna Bershadskaya

