Phytoncides are isolated.

Medicinal herbs and plants photosMedicinal herbs and plants photoflashplants volatile organic compounds detrimental effect on the growth and reproduction of many pathogens. Proper selection of plants emitting phytoncides is able to completely heal the atmosphere in the room. For example, from phytoncides - biologically active substances secreted by ficus, pelargonium, monster, asparagus, rosemary, arrowroot, most of the pathogens in the room die.

Purify the air

Houseplants are uniqueair purifiers. Especially those with a greater number of stomata (microscopic "slits") on the leaves, through which gaseous compounds are absorbed from the air, and a large surface of the leaf blade. Thus, it has been established that an adult chlorophytum plant cleans the air in a 10-12-meter room by 80% per day. If there are synthetic materials in your apartment (and this is almost certainly the case), their negative impact is neutralized by flowers that can absorb toxins from the air: fragrant dracaena, piperomia, rhoicissus.


Houseplants containing essential oils,have a positive impact on the person himself. The smell of eucalyptus, laurel and roses will help get rid of chronic fatigue. The aroma of citrus reduces blood pressure. Pelargonium fragrant helps with neurosis and insomnia. Myrtle improves mood. Rosemary stimulates memory.

Ionize the air

Recent scientific research has proven thatthe most common geranium (pelargonium) has a very interesting property. It is able to enrich the room air with negatively charged oxygen ions. But it is these ions that supply the human body with energy and there are many of them in the mountains, where it is so easy to breathe. Get a few pelargoniums or monstera, any ferns, Saintpaulia (violet) on your windowsill - and you will not need the widely advertised air ionizers. "Healing cocktails" for different roomsFor children

  • Basil
  • Hypiestes Pilea
  • Ophiopogon
  • Rhoicissus
  • Spathiphyllum
  • For the bedroom

  • Geranium
  • Lavender
  • Monster
  • Room rose
  • Laurus
  • For the kitchen

  • Laurel
  • Pelargonium
  • Chlorophytum
  • For the office

  • Mint
  • Melissa
  • Myrtle
  • Sage
  • Monster
  • Ficus
  • Comments
