Photo:Starface has already moved into a new home, which was recently completed. The mansion is located in a quiet and cozy place near Moscow, not far from the Ikshinskoye reservoir. Together with the singer and her husband Ilya Spitsyn, the daughter of the Valley - 31-year-old Angelina and three-year-old granddaughter Sasha - settled on September 10, the singer celebrated her 59th birthday, and the artist is already a grandmother. Larisa understood that her granddaughter was growing and soon the family would become cramped in the same house. Then she came up with the idea to build a new house, larger. The construction of a new building took place on the same site as the old house in which the singer and her family lived earlier. According to Larisa, she and her husband have already moved to new apartments. The singer's daughter stayed with Alexandra in the old house, where a wonderful children's room was equipped. In the near future, Dolina's husband promises to equip the territory adjacent to the old and new mansion. The family dreams of a new gazebo, a playground with swings and an artificial pond where carps and crucians will be launched.

