Beautiful pillowsBeautiful pillows Google Pillows designer ElodieBlanchard presented to the public back in 2005. A list of the top news queries on Google, printed on a plain cotton pillowcase, was an unexpected success. Since then, pillows have been "reissued" annually, unobtrusively reflecting the latest global trends. So, if in the distant 2005 the words: Harry Potter, Hurricane Katrina, Michael Jackson adorned the pillowcase, in 2008 they were replaced by US President Barack Obama, and the iPhone. The pillows are produced in a limited edition of 250 copies, each one has an author's seal. The lists themselves are silk-screened. You can buy a kind of "chronicle of the era" in the online store of the design bureau ElasticCo for $ 120. We also recommend reading:

  • How to choose a bed linen
  • Pillow cases with a rejuvenating effect
  • Bed in a romantic style
  • Textiles for home made of ... bamboo
  • Feng Shui for Love

