Cornelia mango has grown thinCornelia mango lost weight Photo:Instagram Cornelia MangoAmong the stars, a healthy eating expert has always been considered, who has repeatedly given advice on Twitter on how to eat. Now Cornelia Mango, who is very rapidly losing weight, decided to take her place. The singer told what she prefers for breakfast and what is the secret of fast weight loss. In her microblog, the girl posted a photo of her morning meal. And even on Easter, Cornelia Mango includes a fruit plate in her morning diet. Apples and oranges are the basis of the singer's breakfast. And, judging by her newly acquired forms, such a diet really works. By the way, in addition to diets and food restrictions, Cornelia Mango spends a lot of time in the gym for various workouts. Now the singer is in almost perfect shape for herself and does not hesitate to demonstrate her own.

