Aloe (century) This flower is a reala physician, and that's why. The plant perfectly copes with purulent wounds, quickly heals, cuts and burns, and also quickly stops the beginning colds. For example, if you have a runny nose, you can drip a couple of drops of aloe in your nose, and for the whole day you will forget about the misfortune.Photo:Getty ImagesRoseMany people perceive this plant only as a decorative element, and in vain. This flower copes well with inflammatory processes, but you need to use not petals or buds, but rose water.Pink geraniumThis cute plant not only brings beauty to your home, but also has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, hemostatic and antiseptic effect.If you suddenly get hurt, you can pick a leaf and apply it to the wound, and put a clean bandage on top or seal it with a plaster. By the way, the fresh juice of this plant can easily cope with otitis. Just drip the juice into the sore ear, and the disease will recede. Geranium will not save you from colds either. Just crush the leaf and apply it to your nose for a short time, and you will immediately notice that it has become much easier. A decoction of this plant will help to overcome stomatitis and sore throat, and a bath with geranium will strengthen bones. Kalanchoe This green flower copes with wounds no worse than aloe, and also treats burns or bruises. It is enough to apply a leaf to the sore spot, and after some time the inflammatory process will stop, and the pain will begin to subside. The plant perfectly tightens fistulas, removes pus and disinfects wounds.