Cleaning company cleaningCleaning company cleaning Myth 1 This is tooexpensive service As they say, no more than money. For example, cleaning a two-room apartment after repair will cost 5,000 rubles. For this money, employees of cleaning firms (organizations involved in cleaning the premises) will take out construction debris, clean the house from dust and dirt, wipe stains, etc. You can, of course, do it yourself, but then you will spend the whole weekend in construction dust. Myth 2 It is necessary to provide workers with cleaning supplies. No, all you need to do is choose a company, issue a technical assignment for the performance of work, agree on deadlines and let in personnel. And then come to a clean house. All brigades are provided with professional equipment and professional tools for washing various surfaces. How to choose a cleaning company

  • Find out how many years the company works, read customer reviews.
  • For good companies, the scope of services is not limited to daily and general cleaning, window cleaning. It can also be cleaning after repairs, fire, upholstered furniture, floor coverings, etc.
  • Specify what equipment and means the company uses.
  • Find out if the workers have taken special training courses and advanced training.
  • Find out if you have to pay extra forcomprehensive assessment of the premises - after all, an employee of a company must first assess the “size of the disaster”: the cost of services depends on clutter, degree of pollution, area, possible work time.
  • Be sure to negotiate in advance the entire scope of work and require flow charts where the entire range of services is fixed and the price of them is negotiated.
  • Sign a contract for the provision of services or require a credit order or cash voucher when you pay so that you can make a claim.
  • Myth 3 It is not known how they will clean the house.We know what! Almost all large companies have a technologist who can easily select the right product that will help remove dirt without spoiling the surface to be treated. Cleaning companies usually have about 500 samples of cleaning and detergents for different surfaces. Myth 4 It is dangerous to let strangers into the house Such companies only recruit people with a Moscow residence permit, they are officially registered, most often they are taken on the recommendation, you will not find “people from the street” there. The personnel service thoroughly checks potential employees. Employees of cleaning companies are trained in specialized centers. Myth 5 It is better to do the cleaning yourself or hire a friend Free or cheap does not mean good. Cleaning is usually done rather haphazardly. You can dust off, wash the floor, but hardly all the stains. Therefore, the quality of cleaning will leave much to be desired. Otherwise, you can make a mistake with the choice of the remedy - as a result, the bathtub is scratched, the furniture is damaged, and the apartment has the aroma of some powder. Goodbye money! Daily cleaning, per m2 from 60 rubles * general cleaning, per m2 from 80 rubles cleaning after renovation, per m2 from 100 rubles washing windows, for one window from 250 rubles cleaning carpet, per m2 from 50 rubles cleaning furniture , per m2 from 50 rubles. * At the average prices of Moscow firms. Myth 6 Complex cleaning also includes washing windows Complex cleaning of an apartment usually includes:

  • dry cleaning of floor coverings and upholstered furniture with a vacuum cleaner;
  • wet cleaning of floors;
  • washing kitchen tiles;
  • plumbing and kitchen sink;
  • removal of dirt from walls, lamps, flooring, office equipment, etc .;
  • disinfection of toilets and bathrooms;
  • processing of glass and polished surfaces.
  • If you need to wash windows, clean carpets or furniture, this can also be ordered, but for a fee.

