Then you can for a long time forget aboutlarge-scale construction work. Minor redecorating or changing "scenery" - the maximum that you are facing after a thorough overhaul. So, let's go through all the points.

1. Draw the future interior

Overhaul of apartmentsApartment overhaulingcapital repair requires a sketch (at least on a sheet in a cell), and even better - a thoughtful design project. The more details it will be, the less hassle you will have afterwards. Therefore, first of all, we start the folder and make it into it as far as possible:

  • Examination drawings;
  • plans for dismantling existing built-in furniture, sanitary ware and partitions;
  • plans and sections of suspended ceilings and multilayered floors;
  • a plan for the placement of electrical appliances, ceiling and wall lamps;
  • outlines of outlets and switches;
  • the installation plan and the specification of plumbing fixtures;
  • sweep the walls;
  • plans for arranging furniture, etc.
  • sketches of the interior, as you see it, executed by hand or in 3D-graphics.

This set of sketch drawings, compiledyou will become a fundamental document for the development of a design project in the agency. Beware! Consider real technical limitations. For example, you dream of air conditioning, cable heating, solid electric stove, oven, etc. At the same time, the power allocated to your apartment is 10 kW. In such a situation, you will either have to work on allocating additional energy, or cut down your energy-consuming appetites.

2. We order a design project

How are they looking for an architect, designer or decorator? First on friends, then on magazines. Or in the reverse order. As a result of negotiations, you either converge in price (20-100 cu for 1 sq. M.) Or not, and then everything starts on a new one. In case of success following the initial discussions, measurements and reflection, which last one or two weeks, the designer presents to your court a few sketches of the interior. If you choose one of them, the work moves to the next stage (creating the working documentation of the design project). If not, creative searches continue until an optimal variant is found. It is important to immediately determine the repair budget - so that the specialist can find a reasonable compromise between your desires and financial possibilities.

3. We compose the estimate

To repair did not stretch for years, it is necessaryexactly calculate the amount, which will cost the renovation of the apartment. It should be remembered that the calculation error, based on a certain average indicator (for example, the price per square meter), can reach 50%. Often in the repair process there are unforeseen costs, which the owners simply can not afford. The most accurate way of estimating is to compile an estimate. As a result, you get a table of costs for materials, equipment and work with the indication of prices "per bag" or square meter and the exact amount of work. Detailed estimates clearly show the largest items of expenditure, which will allow you to correct in some time the items of the estimate. Unexpected expenses The lucky owners of newly purchased apartments during the renovation may be trapped in financial traps.

  • In new buildings - curved walls, floor and ceiling, for the alignment of which will require an additional number of dry mixtures.
  • In apartments purchased in the secondary market -defects, hidden under the finish. A typical example - partitions of shingles with applied over dry plaster. It is worthwhile to start repair work, as it begins to crumble. As a result, the owners will have to decide on dismantling the old ones and erecting new partitions.

Avoiding unpleasant surprises will allow defectivenessapartment, which is produced at the preparatory stage. The essence of the procedure is that independent experts (ideally) or potential contractors (easier - foreman) conduct a survey of building structures and engineering equipment, and in the course of this all defects and defects are identified. According to the results, the official act is issued and recommendations are given for normalizing the condition of the apartment. Legitimate lawIf the living space is purchased in a new building, then with an official act of defecting, one can go to the company that sold the real estate or to the operation service and seek either to eliminate defects and shortcomings, costs. In case of refusal, you should apply to the court.

4. Choosing performers

So, the project is prepared, the estimate is made. And you are facing a dilemma: go to an official construction organization or invite a team of free guest workers. Each option has its pluses and minuses. Building firm A serious company concludes a contract with the client. It fixes mutual rights and obligations, the conditions for performance and quality control of repair and construction works, the procedure and terms of financing, guarantee obligations, etc. If planning a redevelopment or reconstruction of an apartment, an insurance policy of liability to third parties is drawn up (usually no more than 1 % of the total estimated cost). In accordance with the Law on the Rights of Consumers, the work is guaranteed for a period of 1 year. But even after the expiration of this time, you can come to the firm with your problems. At the same time, the involvement of an official organization will require you with some financial will. After all, in addition to direct costs, the estimate includes overhead expenses, taxes, a certain percentage of profits, and so on. So there is a temptation to save by inviting an amateur team. But in the end, the prospective benefits can turn into significant financial and moral losses. PartisansIf you still decided to hire private craftsmen, try to find out the level of their qualifications, experience, etc. Well, if the brigade is headed by an experienced foreman who decided to start his own business. Then during the repair you will most likely not have to take on its functions. Meanwhile, he will try to do all the work with his own modest forces. For example, if there is no temporary (electrically) sick electrician in the team, a simple one will appear or the wiring will be pulled by a broad-profile worker, if not a superintendent in person. You understand, the quality of work has every chance to suffer, because everyone must do his own thing. Prices in this case can be only slightly below the "branded" or the same.

5. Dismantling

At this stage, we get rid of the "remnants of the past":

  • We dismantle old plumbing, floors, built-in wardrobes;
  • We clean walls and ceilings from wallpaper, paint and whitewash;
  • we remove old doors, decorative screens, ventilation grilles, etc.
  • We break old crooked curves.

And do not forget to pre-order a container forremoval of construction debris (in a specialized company). If you do not want to say goodbye to an old parquet, before asking to keep it, ask if it will be as beautiful as the new finish. In 50% of cases from the previous floor covering it is necessary to get rid of at least in order to re-lay the wiring in the screed.

6. Level the floor

Almost all floor coverings require carefulalignment of the base. Therefore, now it is necessary to deal with the device of rough floors. If the repair is made in the apartment of a typical multi-storey building, then the reinforced concrete slabs are laid with an equalizing screed. If necessary, conduct soundproofing of the floor. In damp rooms, preliminary waterproofing is performed. At the same stage, the so-called "warm" floors are laid.

7. Change the electrical wiring

While in the same room are work on the devicerough floors, in others it is possible to bend the walls for laying wires. For each new outlet or switch, you will have to continue the socket under the mounting box and the "path" for the supply wire. For the system "warm" floors will require a niche in the wall. At this stage, install new radiators. A protective film from their surface while to remove it is not necessary.

8. Change the windows and doors

It's time to install double-glazed windows, this missionTake care of themselves sellers of modern profile systems. Keep in mind: if you insulate slopes with sandwich panels, then you should do this after the walls are plastered and plastered. Only in this case, the decorative corner, covering the gap between the panel and the old slopes, will lie just flush with the wall. The entrance door can be replaced and at earlier stages of repair. Modern steel products come with removable decorative panels. For the time of "wet" works the door will be protected with shields made of hardboard. But the turn of the interior doors has not yet come. You just need to install the door frames. It is important to take into account the height of the future finishing of the floor, so that later you do not have to saw the door leaf from the bottom.

9. Align and trim walls and ceiling

One of the most time-consuming and critical stages -rough and finishing walls. Before this, all vertical surfaces must be flawlessly leveled. If you plan to paint the walls, they are leveled using dry mixes based on gypsum, rough finishing of wet rooms is performed using cement compositions. Then the walls are treated with special primers. To achieve an impeccable surface quality, they are plastered in several layers. Ultimately, the wall may even acquire a glossy texture. For finishing with ceramic tiles, or it is quite enough to achieve the surface evenness of the walls. To do this, a layer of putty is applied, which is then sanded (sanded) to a gloss. When purchasing dry mixes, as well as priming, repair and waterproofing materials, do not forget about the compatibility of different compositions. A smart option is to purchase system products from the same manufacturer. Another way to level the walls is to install a frame with plasterboard sheathing. It is enough to put putty on the drywall and the surface is ready for finishing. So, the walls are leveled, dried, putty, sanded, primed. Now you can start decorating. Ceiling whitewashing and painting usually precedes wall decoration. Another thing is suspended or stretch ceilings. These structures are installed when the walls are completely ready.

10. We lay the floor covering and install the interior doors

Laying flooring is best done onthe final stage of major repairs. Parquet and board do not tolerate changes in humidity and temperature. In addition, it will be vexing if a drop of paint or a scratch will spoil the expensive coating. Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles are sometimes laid before the walls are finished. In this case, the new floor is covered with thick cardboard sheets. Finally, the turn of the interior doors comes. They are usually hung when the flooring is completely ready. Otherwise, the doors will interfere with the laying of the floor. In addition, as we have already said, the height of the door leaf is often slightly adjusted, depending on the actual thickness of the floor pie.

11. We install plumbing fixtures, lighting fixtures

The installation of plumbing starts after the finishtoilet, bathroom and kitchen. True, the bath is installed in advance and covered with a protective film and screens. Lighting devices can be mounted already at the "ceiling" stage, since suspended and stretched ceilings usually include light sources.

12. Cleaning an apartment

And, finally, the last stage of repair -large-scale cleaning. Cleaning services are relatively inexpensive, and your strength is limited, so it's easier to contact a specialized firm. The average price for "cleaning" the apartment after repairs is 80-100 rubles per square meter. How long will it take to complete the repair? For example, take an average apartment: "treshku" in a panel house, ceiling height - 2,5-2,7 m, total area - up to 80 m2. If the finish is made within a reasonable complexity (floor - piece parquet or parquet board, suspended ceilings of modest geometry, etc.), then we can talk about the following terms. The development of the design project will take 30-45 days. The duration of this stage largely depends on the owners themselves. The clearer they understand what they want and what they can afford, the faster the designer's work will progress. To repair "turnkey" should allocate at least 3.5-4 months. For more precise timing, it is necessary to draw up a schedule of financing and performance of work - this is an integral part of the contract with the contractor.

