DIY candlesticksDo-it-yourself candlesticksFor painting we will need:

  • Glass candlestick
  • Paints for painting glass (for example, L & B)
  • Glass Contours (L & B)
  • FROST Design (Hobby Line) imitation glass matting paint
  • Brushes (round synthetics 0 or 1)
  • For washing brushes - thinner number 2 (represents 100% white spirit)
  • Auxiliary materials: double-sided tape, sponge, cotton swabs, toothpicks, a rag for kicking a brush, etc.

Step # 1

We degrease the glass surface, for this you can use acetone or nail polish remover. You can also just wash the candlestick with anything.

Step 2

Making a stencil: To do this, you need to print the desired image and stick it on the double-sided tape. After that, carefully cut out the necessary images and paste them over the entire surface of the candlestick.

Step 3

We will create a frosted glass effect, forWe use this paint FROST Design (Hobby Line) - in our case, a golden color. Squeeze out the right amount of paint on the pallet. For drawing we use a usual sponge. Paint should be applied evenly and fairly quickly, as it dries quickly. Give the paint to dry, then remove the stencils. Here's what happened:

Step 4

FROST Design paint is the paint thatrequires firing. We burn our product in the oven, as written in the instructions - for 30 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees. After this time, let the product cool.

Step number 5

Maple leaves (they are - empty places on the surface of the candlestick) are outlined in gold. Streaks on the leaves will be applied at the very end.Contouring Tips

  • When applying the contour of the hands necessarily need a support, if the hands are on the weight, then they will begin to tremble from overvoltage and the contour will not lie flat.
  • Tube spout is better to keep on weight (without touchingglass) and pull the contour, gently imposing it on the desired line. In this case, the contour will be thin and even. True, in order for this to work, the circuit itself must have good elasticity and practically no bubbles should be present in it. By experience - the best contours of Pabeo and L & B.
  • If, nevertheless, in your opinion, the contour is laid down incorrectly (too bold or uneven), then this can be corrected in two ways:
    • Using a toothpick, immediately remove excess contour;
    • After the contour has dried, cut the excess with a paper or razor knife.
  • Step 6

    The resulting contours fill paint red-yellowgamma. You can use only one color, but it will be more effective to mix several colors. First, we apply a lighter shade to the center of the sheet, and then let the dark tone on the edge. And thus we get a smooth transition of color from dark to lighter. Tips for pouring paint products

    • When pouring the contour necessary to applythe amount of paint in the desired area, and then how to disperse this drop across the entire area with a brush. At the same time, try not to touch the contour with a brush, but make sure that the paint itself flows into an area close to the contour.
    • In order not to leave "white spots" (gaps between the paint and the outline), you must work in good light.
    • Also, if you started to paint somethe area outlined by the contour, you must not stop and finish its fill. Otherwise, the paint will have time to grab, and the next batch of paint forms a marriage in the form of a line that you don’t need.
    • If, after all, a certain amount of paint has fallen onto the contour, this can be corrected by wiping off the excess with a cotton swab or a toothpick with a cotton swab.
    • Prepare a cloth for brushing the brush beforehand, and wipe the brush about it after rinsing, and also remove excess paint from the brush.

    Step number 7

    The final touch - drawing contour on the leaves of the vein. That's the result of the work done!Here is another candlestick - the Milky Way, whichmade in the same technique. Paints and contours of L & B, paint FROST Design (Hobby Line), as well as glitters for decoration of stars were used for its manufacture.

