Tip # 1: This is the same job.
Surely many are familiar with the look of bewilderment,when you, say, ask your spouse to make tea or take out the trash in the evening. The dissatisfied “you sit at home all day, and I just came home tired from work” will probably haunt you until late at night. And the next day. And a month later. At the Institute for Noble Maidens, the students were taught that a housewife is the same as a worker, only in her own home. At the same time, the girls were instilled with respect for her husband and work and were told that she must perform her duties impeccably and not slack off. Therefore, if you suddenly decided that today is enough, now you can lie down in front of the TV with the remote control - no! Do not forget about the distribution of responsibilities, awareness of rights, meetings, a clear daily routine and the desire to do everything.Photo: Getty Images
Tip # 2: Your Interests Above All
Remember the saying, “A happy wife is a happy man.”husband"? And this makes sense. After all, a housewife is not a slave who must spend the whole day near the stove, simultaneously polishing the parquet so that it shines by the time her husband arrives. And if you think that first a hot lunch, and then only a beautiful manicure, then you are hopelessly out of date. At the Institute for Noble Maidens, everything was different. Girls were taught that a good housewife should be , rested and happy. And they were even tested for professional suitability. Therefore, if you still measure your day by the number of meals prepared, caring for a small child or general cleaning - then you urgently need to go, for example, to a spa and reboot.
Board number 3: food instead of snacking
If your motto is "while I was cooking, I already had a snack",then it's time to stop with this immediately! You don't want to get fat from constant snacking, liters of tea and kilograms of pretzels and cookies, and your husband to run off to another woman, do you? Exactly! At the same institute, the students were taught the benefits of a balanced diet and a full family dinner with their spouse. Firstly, this way they could not worry about extra pounds and a flabby figure, and secondly, a full hot dinner brings family members closer together. After all, it's so great to gather at the same table and share emotions from the day. And no gadgets, phones or TVs!
Tip # 4: The mistress is not a victim
It's never worth it at every opportunityremind you that you sacrificed yourself for the sake of your family, clean shirts, sparkling cleanliness and rosy-cheeked babies. Stop treating yourself like a victim! In fact, millions of women around the world dream of retiring as soon as possible and feeling like a real housewife. It has long been known that behind every successful man there is a smart woman. And most often it is a housewife. After all, a woman can make a president (not necessarily of a country, let's limit ourselves to a company or a club) out of an ordinary employee and then rest in the shadow of his glory. The girls were taught that a housewife is a lucky woman who has a wonderful chance to build a strong family nest and help her husband advance in his career.
Tip number 5: love yourself
It is very important to accept yourself as you are.It doesn't matter if you have a hairstyle or disheveled hair, a wasp waist or treacherously protruding "ears" on the sides... You just need to love yourself! And then you will want to please yourself, which means you will find time for your hair, and for rest, and for happiness. After all, a happy wife is... see point 2.