There are many more requirements for a bedroom than for any other room.Arrange furniture according to Feng ShuiThe bed should notStand opposite the doorThis is the main requirement. Mentally draw a line from the door to the opposite wall. And place the bed so that it is not on this line. The point is that the energy on a straight line from the door is quite strong and hard. Sleeping here means feeling unprotected, being constantly exposed to excessively strong energy (imagine that you are sleeping on the top of a mountain, blown by all the winds). The best place for a bed is one in which the energies are softer and more harmonious. There should be no mirrors opposite the bed. A mirrored wardrobe should also not be opposite the bed. It can be next to it. The main thing is that when you lie down, you do not see your reflection. The correct wardrobe is matte. Fewer cornersMake sure that the corners of furniture (tables, nightstands) are not directed at the person lying on the bed. No shelves above the headFirstly, they also have corners, and secondly, the shelf creates energy pressure on sleeping people, which, by the way, often causes headaches. An almost ideal bedroom: the bed is far from the entrance and does not touch the door-wall line ABBB.
No overhead canopiesWhen buying furniturea child's furniture set, make sure that there are no shelves, beds, stairs or other hanging furniture above the baby's head. Such "pressure" from above can lead to the appearance of fears in the baby, health problems, inattention at school. Psychologist's commentary - Any thing hanging over the head during sleep has a depressing effect on a person, causing a feeling of threat or pressure on a subconscious level, - says psychologist, Gestalt consultant Maxim Sviridov. - The child's psyche is most sensitive to such things. Therefore, a child who grew up “under the shelf” may indeed, more often than other children, show fear of something new and unusual, as well as aggression towards other people, whom he perceives as “something incomprehensible that hangs over me.”
Entrance hall
The door should not hit the furniture, even ifthe hallway is very small and cramped, try not to place cabinets, dressing tables and other furniture so that they interfere with the opening of the door. If the door rests against the wall, then nothing can be done about it, but it should not hit the furniture. No mirrors opposite the door Opposite the door there should not be a dressing table with a mirror or just mirrors. After all, the main changes in Feng Shui are aimed at attracting favorable energy into the house and accumulating it, storing it. A mirror located opposite the door reflects the energy coming from the street back, which can lead to monetary losses.
Living room
Round tableFeng Shui does not welcome corners,directed at a person. But you can't do without corners in apartments. The main thing is that they don't get in the way, so that you don't bump into them. Therefore, it is desirable for the dining table to be round, uniting and equalizing the whole family. Sofa away from the window A sofa or armchair, especially one you often sit on, should not stand under the window. There should not be any shelves with books or trinkets above them. Question on the topic: Wardrobe opposite the window: no mirrors - I want the room to have a minimum of furniture after the renovation. But, to fit everything necessary, I plan to make a built-in closet opposite the window, covering the entire wall (4.2 meters). Is this allowed from a Feng Shui point of view? Olga. - You can put closets opposite the window without any problems, - says Oksana. - But it is desirable that there are no mirrors in it. Especially large ones. Mirrors are especially not recommended if the view outside the window is gloomy or unsightly.
Don't face the elements – the sink mustbe away from the stoveThe stove should not be located directly next to the sink, otherwise there will be quarrels and discord in the family (due to the clash of two elements: water and fire). The same applies to the stove and the dishwasher or washing machine. Even if space does not allow, try to put at least a narrow, 30-centimeter bottle cabinet between them. In addition, the stove should not be located under the window and in the northwest sector of the apartment. Ideally, the dining table should not be opposite the door. All of the above tips help to organize both external and internal space and, accordingly, improve life. Don't believe me? Check it out!