How to get rid of weedsGiant weed, cangrow to 3-4 meters! Suppresses all plants in the meter zone from the stem. But this is half the trouble. Hogweed is dangerous to human health - the hairs covering its trunk emit poisonous juice. This juice, getting on the skin, causes the strongest, poorly healing burns. Ways to fight Mechanical: The most effective way is to dig the plant together with the roots and burn it before it appears. Consider that all stages of this “operation” should be carried out in clothes, glasses and gloves completely covering the body! Folk: Experienced gardeners recommend this method: low cut the stem of the hogweed and pour inside its base-pipe (not vinegar!) Or pour the usual salt, a couple of tablespoons. With the procedure, it is important to have time before the seeds ripen. Chemical: A simple sprinkling of chemicals for the Hogweed is an empty sound, unless part of the leaves dries. But the weed is guaranteed to destroy the herbicide injection. Prepare a roundup solution (10 ml per plant), draw in a syringe and make an injection at the base of the stem. The plant will die completely in 10 to 14 days.