Adopt new habits. Perhaps, before you twoloved to hang out all night long, flowing from one bar to another. But after the man of your dreams decided to move to your studio, you suddenly fell in love with home evenings, watching movies or TV shows together, and also a delicious dinner. Situations are different, and we have no right, of course, to judge someone. If you have accepted a person, then try to abstract from the concept of “my home” (not in the legal aspect, of course) and make it so that the person also becomes comfortable living with you. Believe me, he feels very uncomfortable. Especially at first. Try to find points of contact. Try to find a compromise with your chosen one, because it was you who invited him to share your space with you, and do not meddle straight into the embrasure. For example, give your man a few shelves where he can place his little things, and be sure to show him where he can hang his clothes. In fact, the man also feels awkward at such moments, so you can, for example, choose additional storage systems together so that they fit into the main interior, and your elect can install them himself.A photo: frame from the movie “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” Keep clean It is worth starting with the fact that each person has different ideas about cleanliness and what seems normal to you, may be unacceptable to another person. Therefore, immediately discuss the key points and determine who is responsible for what. Fortunately, the area is small and you do not have to spend the whole day cleaning the room. Agree on who and when occupies the bathroom. It’s not even that you suddenly needed to go to the lavatory, and your faithful closed there and it looks like it will not be out soon. All studios just have a peculiarity - sounds coming from the toilet are audible in the whole apartment. Therefore, we can immediately agree with us on the shore that, let's say, you will just turn on the TV up or music when someone goes into the bath. Well, or you will not pay any attention to it. After all, we are all adults, in the end. Take care. Take care. Small rooms are inconvenient because you have to stay together in an enclosed space for almost 24 hours (if you are not working or are engaged in the same business). But this also has its advantages. So, for example, if your loved one has a cold, then it will be easier for you to care for him and do everything to avoid catching this disease too. And in general, in the studios it is difficult to be alone, therefore all your emotions and experiences will be visible. You either have to learn to hide your emotions, or allow the person to take care of you.

