Expert: Alexey Dyma - a famous Moscow chef and author of cookbooks. Six immersion blenders of famous brands took part in the test:
Test results
With the help of all the blenders, we were able to prepareequally tasty cocktail, but the time and effort spent were not the same. The most productive device was HR 1371 (Philips), the second place was taken by the MR 6550 M FP (Braun). The Philips blender showed itself from the best side and in terms of ergonomics of the case - grippy, with easy-to-press keys. Add to this the low noise level. Here the Philips model shared first and second places with the Prepline HB7051 blender (Tefal). In terms of functionality, the Click & Mix (Moulinex) and MR 6550 M FP (Braun) blenders turned out to be beyond competition, equipped with the maximum number of attachments for chopping ice, cutting and shredding products. Finally, in terms of design, the VT 1458 R (Vitek) model won the undisputed victory, with the SL-1542 (Scarlett) and HR 1371 (Philips) blenders taking second and third place.How to choose a blender
Prepline HB7051 (Tefal, France)
SL-1542 (Scarlett, United Kingdom)
VT 1458 R (Vitek, Russia)
HR 1371 (Philips, Netherlands)
Click& Mix (Moulinex, France)
MR 6550 M FP Multiquick complite (Braun, Germany)