Cacti and care for themCacti and care for them The minimum temperature fordifferent species varies somewhat, mainly cacti contain in winter at a temperature of 5-15 ° C. For the transfer of cacti to the rest period, from the autumn they begin to gradually reduce watering. The temperature also gradually decreases. If the watering is reduced and the temperature remains high, the plant will continue to evaporate the moisture, but not to receive liquid in return, so the watering reduction and the temperature decrease should occur simultaneously. Reducing the illumination in winter will be natural for a plant if the watering and temperature are simultaneously reduced.To provide cacti with a cool hibernationit is enough to arrange a barrage from a sheet of glass on the edge of the window sill, so that the heat from the batteries does not touch them. A thermometer to ensure a favorable wintering is simply necessary. Control over the temperature during the winter will be necessary. Even if you insulate and seal the frames for the winter, if the outside temperature drops to -30 ° C or lower, then the temperature on the windowsill can also drop too low. If the window sill 6 ° C, and for your cacti winter minimum 5 ° C, then it's better not to take risks, but take action. With the onset of severe frosts, it is possible to insulate the frames additionally, laying a wool blanket along the window sill, or placing pots with cactuses on a sheet of foam or thick foam, but you can not remove the protective glass from the window sill until the heat is turned off. to control the irrigation is better to start a calendar, because in winter watering is rare, it is easy to forget what day you have watered the plant. It's easier to hang a calendar somewhere in a prominent place and mark the days of watering on it. You can mark the days of watering on the calendar for the whole year. Next you will find several simple ways

