Bright shades and rich colors of Bright shades andsaturated colors should also be avoided at the planning stage of the overall concept of the kitchen area. Especially undesirable to use red, blue, purple, dark gray. All of them are considered dark and disturbing shades that are not capable of bringing harmony and mutual understanding to the house. Instead, you can pay attention to the bright pastel shades of green, yellow, brown and orange, or white and beige. And if you still can not without the rest of the color palette, then saturated colors can only be used as specific accents. Mirror surfaces According to feng shui, you should not use mirror tiles or decorative elements with a reflective surface when designing the kitchen. Otherwise, they may inadvertently reflect, distort or even break your life too.Sharp corners and open shelves Sharp corners andobjects, open shelves attract negative sha energy, which does not bode well for your home. Therefore, when decorating your kitchen, try to avoid "sharp" structures and, if you already have 1-2 open shelves, place round storage containers there (in order to neutralize the effect of negative energy as much as possible). are also undesirable in the kitchen area. This can cause discomfort, stress, and negative thoughts. Therefore, if you are used to hanging large pots and pans on the walls, it is better to reconsider your habits and find a more suitable place for the kitchen utensils (for example, allocate a separate cabinet). Different levels of floors Experts say that it is not a good idea to highlight areas in the kitchen with floors installed at different levels (podium, steps, ledges, etc.). The kitchen should be located on the same level (and with all other rooms as well). Otherwise, it will attract unhappiness to your home. Entry to the kitchen According to the ancient teachings of feng shui, the entrance to the kitchen cannot be directly opposite the front door to the house, otherwise it will lead to the emergence of negative energy that will destroy harmony and take well-being from the apartment. Wealth will simply flow out of the house like water through your fingers. If you are unlucky and your entrance to the kitchen is almost opposite the front door, then hang something bright above the kitchen door that will distract attention. It can be, say, wind chime or crystal. Neighborhood stove, refrigerator and sink This, according to experts, is the most important taboo that in no case should be violated. Otherwise, it can lead to a conflict between the energy of fire (stove) and water (refrigerator or sink). Therefore, the stove, sink and refrigerator cannot be located side by side, they must be separated by at least a small cutting table or other piece of furniture.

