To the table in Yaroslavl

Revival of small businesses, farms and localproduction is now more relevant than ever. What the Yaroslavl region can boast of, said the acting director of the department of agro-industrial complex of the Yaroslavl Region administration Alexander Koshlakov. The agro-industrial complex in our region is developing dynamically. The production of meat, eggs, potatoes and vegetables, milk is growing annually; favorable conditions for attracting investment have been created. Effective entrepreneurs have been found who are implementing projects and bringing agriculture to a modern level of production. Work at such enterprises no longer has anything in common with the once hard manual labor in the fields and farms. At present, confectionery production is actively reviving in the region. Thanks to state support, cheese production volumes increased in 2015. Small but promising enterprises are being created as part of import substitution. In general, in 2015, the level of self-sufficiency in basic food products in the region was: meat and meat products - 64.4%, milk and dairy products - 97.2%, eggs and egg products - 310.0%, potatoes - 100.0%. In order to prevent prices for agricultural products in our region from going off the charts, retail prices for a set list of food products are constantly monitored. In addition, a regional headquarters is working to promptly respond to the development of the situation on the market, a working group has been created to provide support to local agricultural producers. The Yaroslavl region has created its own regional brand "Buy Yaroslavl". Regular fairs have been organized so that residents can freely buy local products.

The results of Yarar-2016

On September 10, the 7thYaroslavl agro-industrial exhibition and fair "YarAGRO", which is one of the main exhibition projects of the agro-industrial complex of our region. This year, about 300 participants presented their capabilities at the exhibition. Among them are municipal districts of the region, large agricultural and processing enterprises, farms, research institutions, manufacturers of agricultural machinery, etc. At the fair, more than 70 enterprises of the region presented a large selection of agricultural products. Traditionally, visitors to the exhibition were able to purchase goods at manufacturer prices: meat and dairy products, vegetables, honey, fish, products of Yaroslavl artisans and much more. As part of the exhibition, a traditional competition for the "Best Presentation of a Municipal District of the Yaroslavl Region" was held, where 14 districts presented their original expositions. According to the results of the competition, the Rybinsk Municipal District was recognized as the winner. For the first time, the "Farmer's Shop" opened its doors, where peasant farms of our region offered the freshest and most delicious home-made products. Another innovation of "YarAGRO-2016" was the Egg Festival, within the framework of which various culinary master classes and prize drawings were held. Every year "YarAGRO" attracts an increasing number of participants and visitors.

