Photo by Maxim RoslovtsevThe interior of a small living room
3Whatever your style preferences,A limited budget can clip the wings of any dream. In addition, it is unlikely that you will be able to get an authentic historical interior in a small room that performs many functions. But do not despair. Create the right atmosphere by resorting to eclecticism - a mixture of styles. You can take a little bit from each era, only the best. For example, simplicity and functionality from the present, charm from the past. Romantics dreaming of the sunny south should pay attention to the simple in execution, but unusually effective and in every sense of the word warm interior (photo 1). If you are young, your life is dynamic and full of changes, a modern transformable room will suit you (photo 2). It contains everything necessary for a comfortable life, but at the same time does not require serious financial investments. The secret is in the mobility and multifunctionality of the furniture, as well as in a well-thought-out solution of the space. Solid and mature people will like a living room in the spirit of a country house. The exquisite simplicity of the Gustavian style is combined here with an exotic colonial seasoning (photo 3).
Moroccan mood
Те, кто хоть раз побывал в Марокко, никогда не забудут лазурного неба, белоснежных домов и яркого солнца этой страны. И, может быть, не захотят расставаться со своими впечатлениями и оформят гостиную в марокканском духе. При выборе яркого цвета как основы интерьера всегда возникают сомнения. Приглушенные тона куда привычнее. Но привычнее – не обязательно лучше. После долгой серой зимы так хочется всплеска эмоций! В нашей гостиной доминирует лазурный. Этому цвету отдана довольно большая часть помещения – стены. Прекрасным дополнением к ярко-голубому станут все оттенки белого – мебель, текстиль. Черный и серый присутствуют «по необходимости». Это аудио- и видеотехника и напольное покрытие. Воссоздать такую обстановку несложно. Основу гостиной составляет встроенная мебель, выполненная на заказ. Для отдыха предусмотрена софа, по сути представляющая собой угловой подиум возле окна. Консольная конструкция из МДФ, выкрашенная в белый цвет, совмещает в себе функции закрытого стеллажа, подставки под телеаппаратуру и рабочего места. При работе за компьютером можно использовать высокие пластиковые барные табуреты. Антикварное кресло-качалка привносит в интерьер аромат Средиземноморья. Сочетание старого и современного создает эклектичный, но необычайно романтичный и домашний образ.Дизайн Марины ШвечковойPhoto 1.The walls are covered with textured vinyl wallpaper for painting and painted with latex paint. Photo 2, 3. Almost any furniture can be mobile. If you install a rack on wheels, its horizons will expand significantly. Photo 4. It is no coincidence that the rack system is devoid of doors. This allows you to create a slight artistic disorder, simplifies access to things and, of course, gives the opportunity to save money. A place of honor in the interior is occupied by an LCD TV. The image on the screen always remains clear due to the wide viewing angle (178°). So you can watch a movie both sitting and lying on the bed. Photo 5. Thanks to the "Alternative" mechanism, the sofa can easily be turned into a bed. The large laminated linen compartment can accommodate all the accessories necessary for sleeping. The structure behind the sofa not only hides the rack, but also serves as a convenient shelf. It is very decorated with lamps and small accessories.
Four in one
A great solution for a young couple:maximum functionality on a small budget. Thanks to mobile, multifunctional furniture, the living room can be easily transformed into a bedroom or dining room. The table, mounted on wheels, equally professionally copes with the functions of a dining and working room. The monitor and lamp are placed above it on a narrow, custom-made box (40 cm wide, 90 cm high). The table has only a keyboard and a mouse, which will allow you to roll it out of its hiding place and place it anywhere in the room at the right moment. And its place will be taken by a shelving unit, which we decided to use as a sideboard. It is also equipped with wheels and is hidden in a box behind the sofa. All that remains is to arrange the chairs and the dining room is ready for a friendly reception or dinner for two. The chairs are stackable. Stacked in a stack, they take up very little space in the corner. In the evening, you can easily turn the sofa into a bed, light candles, lie down and relax. Or settle into an armchair and watch a good movie with a cup of tea. And all this in an atmosphere of joy and comfort, created by a combination of Scandinavian furniture with bright pop art colors. The organization of space is ideal for a one-room apartment, where the problem of living in a limited space is especially acute. Design by Dmitry UrayevPhoto 1.The console shelf can, when necessary, transform from a workspace into a bar counter, which will have enough space for two. And if you decide to invite guests, it will easily replace a buffet table. Light snacks and drinks will fit here perfectly. Photo 2. The podium is wide enough so that you can lie down on it, watch TV or read a book if you wish. In addition, it will play the role of a storage system. Various things are hidden in baskets under the podium, covered with a blanket. Photo 3, 4. Everything is ready to receive guests. Elegant glasses and candles create the right mood. Evening lighting is provided by a table lamp standing on a low bookcase. Colourful pillows are scattered in artistic disarray on the podium. Photo 5. It's time to settle down in a rocking chair and dream of exotic countries, looking through a thin organza curtain at the stars. The chair is not only comfortable, but also compact, which is important for a small room. Photo 6. A folding table and chairs are in stock in case you want to sit in a small company. The rest of the time, these items are hidden in the closet. The unusual thing about the folding stools is that their seats are made of coarse colored linen, decorated with lace and prints.
Comfort against the background of tradition
The items for this living room were not chosen that way.not by chance, but somehow spontaneously. Some of them seemed to have lived in the house for a long time, imbued with the spirit of several generations of the family. The designer's task was to skillfully combine rarities with a new environment. For this, a light eclecticism in the spirit of a country house was proposed. Scandinavian, classic English and colonial Asian stylizations were used as ingredients in a thoughtful way. A pale olive color was chosen for the upper part of the walls. The lower part is painted white and decorated with moldings. Oak parquet boards were laid on the floor. To create the interior, mainly natural materials were used: natural wood, leather, cotton, linen, woolen fabrics. The space turned out to be very gentle and warm. In such a living room it is pleasant to spend evenings with friends, over a cup of English tea. Design by Marina ShvechkovaPhoto 1.The role of the table in the living room is played by a chest made of teak with inlay of palm wood and betel. The brown leather sofa was brought from Indonesia and also seems to feel quite comfortable in these friendly walls. Photo 2. When put together, the shelves form a whole "wall". The shelves are convenient for storing books and small things dear to the heart - this is what the shelving system is designed for. A colorful decorative detail is an antique mannequin. Photo 3. The soft leather sofa is a solid representative of traditional classics. The textile seat gives it a more homely look and makes it more comfortable. It is clear that they love and appreciate art here. The interior is decorated with graphics and sculpture. Pictures and photos in frames create a special atmosphere of the house with traditions. Photo 4. Console (Patrick Robert design), "Labyrinth". Photos 5, 6. On the floor - an oriental handmade carpet. It is antique, but you can also use a cheaper modern imitation. The main thing is that the carpet matches the color and pattern. On the windows - Roman blinds made of fabric with a muted floral pattern, to match the walls. The interior can be complemented with low wooden tray tables, a hookah, decorative ceramics or metal utensils in the oriental spirit, decorated with chasing.
Plan 1.“Moroccan mood”Plan 2. “Four in one”Plan 3. “Comfort against the backdrop of tradition”Moroccan moodEstimated costsNameCost, rub.Sofa bed «Furniture factory «March 8»41,000IKEA shelving combination10,460IKEA shelving4,990IKEA dining table199Z0IKEA coffee table set2,990IKEA armchair3,990IKEA chairs (for 4 pcs.)6,760Custom-made furniture15,000Wall decoration3,200Floor covering9,000Accessories15 200Lighting12,800Textiles5,770TOTAL133,150Four in oneApproximate costsNameCost, RUBKartell bar stools (per 2 pcs.)7,000IKEA shelving1,990Custom-made furniture30,000Wall decoration2,370Floor covering5,000Accessories10,500Lighting650Textiles5,200TOTAL62,710Comfort against the backdrop of traditionApproximate costsNameCost, RUBIKEA shelving (per 4 pcs.)11,960Sofa96,000Patrick Robert design chest71,175Provasi sofa240,000Patrick Robert design console31,325IKEA shelving1,990Wall decoration15,000Floor coating40,000Accessories28,300Lighting6,000Textiles82,400TOTAL624,150The editors would like to thank IKEA, Samsung, Vitaly, Red Cube, Agent Decor, Maxdecor, Modul lighting and furniture showroom, Gallery O, Labyrinth, Tango, Purple, Brussels Stuff, Arte di Vivere, Palitra and 8th March furniture factories for their assistance in preparing the material.