Strict diets for weight lossDo not think about anythingotherThat is why, when we start to lose weight, we enter a special internal state: we abstract ourselves from the sensations of hunger and satiety, we force ourselves to forget about high-calorie foods - the most desirable for a hungry person, we strictly monitor our meals, we try to convince ourselves and others that boiled cabbage without salt is the best thing we have ever eaten in our lives. We force ourselves to disconnect from everything that can knock us out of the state of self-control - from worries, sorrows, cares, - and think about only one thing: how to lose weight? This focus on a certain idea that fills a person's entire inner world was described in the mid-1970s by American researchers Peter C. Herman and Janet Poliy, who called it "cognitive limitation". In real life, it is not easy to maintain such an enhanced mode of self-control: it is enough to be tempted by just a piece of a forbidden product - and the system loses its brakes. Then comes the feeling of guilt. To get rid of it, and at the same time "punish" ourselves for the breakdown, we tighten the screws even more. Ineffective methods Everyone strives to inspire us to truly Sisyphean labor: by any means necessary to keep ourselves in a state of cognitive limitation. Any diet is a mechanism designed to protect us from any desires associated with food. Moreover, this mechanism is obviously ineffective: tempting us with unstable weight loss, we are encouraged to always and everywhere maintain strict control until the entire system collapses and the kilograms return with interest! Identification with the guru
- This psychological trick used by those trying to lose weight involves identifying with a certain nutrition guru - a nutritionist or a person who has already managed to lose weight.
Turn food into a ritual
- Many weight loss techniques force you to treateating as a kind of sacred act. «What I like about Madeleine Gesta's system is that it allows you to eat honey and dried fruit between main meals. I chew these pieces with pleasure, experiencing an almost religious feeling. It helps me not to break down,», says 22-year-old Alina, who is optimistically starting her third serious diet in her life.
Ignore the "bad" products
- One of the most effective techniques isconvince yourself that "problem" foods are simply inedible. "Potatoes don't exist for me anymore. Montignac said it well: it's food for pigs," says 40-year-old Alexander. For the famous Dr. Atkins, refined sugar was a terrible poison; he argued that humanity's health problems began precisely when people began to eat carbohydrates.
Ignoring limitations
- So, the products that people liked beforeof how he took a diet, now disgust him, and so he does not feel that he lacks them. Therefore, he can deny that he is subjecting himself to some kind of restrictions.
There is less and better. What if you look at yours?favorite food differently - not as an enemy, but as a friend and ally? Not to exhaust yourself in an endless struggle with tasty and healthy products, not to cross out potatoes and chocolate from your life, imitating a love for "zero" yogurts and steamed carrots, but to lose weight, continuing to eat wholesome, tasty food, but just in smaller quantities? Working on changing your eating habits will require some effort: from now on we will not eat full portions, and therefore we will have to (albeit with regret) sacrifice part of a tasty dish. In addition, we will have to part with another part of ourselves, our weight, and this always has a certain psychological effect: we remember our other losses, more or less conscious. As has already been said, we often eat not because we are hungry, but because we want to forget about our problems - internal and in relationships with other people. It is quite possible that in order to lose weight, someone will need not the advice of a nutritionist, but the help of an experienced psychotherapist. All kinds of diets, systems and methods of nutrition give only a temporary effect. Serious work on yourself is necessary to become a slim person forever.