Natural radioactivityNatural radioactivityradioactivity of the stone, the conversation should be immediately reduced to the radioactivity of granites. The fact is that it is granites that were formed as a result of the outpouring of magma, and therefore there is a certain amount of radioisotopes in them, as well as in almost everything that is extracted from the earth's interior, for example, in concrete or in tap water. As for various sedimentary and metamorphic rocks of sedimentary origin (marbles, limestones, sandstones, shales, quartzites, etc.), it is generally not correct to talk about radioactivity in relation to them. natural stone materials are divided into 3 radio safety classes. Rationing is carried out according to the “Specific effective activity” parameter. Materials belonging to the first class are used in newly constructed residential and public buildings, while the specific effective activity (Aeff m) should not exceed 370 Bq /. Second class - materials used in road construction within the territory of settlements and areas of prospective development, as well as during the construction of industrial facilities, Aeff m should not exceed 740 Bq / kg. For materials used in road construction outside settlements and corresponding to the third class , Aeff m should not be more than 1500 Bq / kg.Radioactivity of stonesRadioactivity of stones. There are two more safety. If the specific effective activity is from 1500 Bq / kg to 4000 Bq / kg (class IV), the possibility of using materials is decided in each case separately with the federal agencies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance. At Aeff m exceeding 4000 Bq / kg, materials should not be used in construction. Granite is allowed on the Russian construction market only with a special certificate. At the same time, wholesalers who care about their reputation, as a rule, are reinsured and take samples of the purchased stone themselves. Thus, the possibility of using granites that do not comply with the "Norms of radiation safety of the population" is practically excluded.

