When making a homemade selfie, make sure that in the backthe background is not scattered ugly pile of garbage and no one next is not engaged in obscenities. Otherwise, you risk becoming the most talked about Internet hero. But believe me, this will not add to your popularity. By no means.A photo: @ og_pocahontas So, for example, laying out another “bash” in Twitter, this young girl could not think that she would soon become a hero of various memes, and more often unpleasant. dress, and certainly stiletto shoes ... However, the girl did not take into account the main thing - that not only her amazing bow would fall into the frame, but also that utter mess that she arranged in her room, trying to find the perfect dress for a photo. “I'm going to dinner, because I need a reason to put on this outfit,” the beautiful woman left a harmless signature in her post. But as soon as the snapshot caught the eye of a social network frequenter, users immediately began to pour reproaches and malicious comments. And later - also write insulting memes. “It's time to finally clean up your room”, “How can you take such photos, knowing how awful your room looks?”, “You and your children will look like this in 10 years”, “It’s necessary to fix everything” - This is one of the most innocuous comments under the post of short-sighted beauties.
1/2Photo: @skyIizzlePhoto: @bk17__ How do you feel about unsuccessful selfies?
- Fine! She also takes pictures of herself, what's the difference, that there, in the background
- It's outrageous! How can I upload these pictures to social networks?
- I do not care. On the Internet you can find more
- Sorry for the girl. She didn't do it on purpose.
Voted: 2256A How do you feel about unsuccessful selfies?
- Fine! She also takes pictures of herself, what's the difference, that there, in the background 19,0%
- It's outrageous! How can I upload such pictures to social networks? 16.9%
- I do not care. On the Internet you can find more and not such a 48.3%
- Sorry for the girl. She did not specifically do that 15.9%
Voted: 2256