Where can I buy seedlings? Situation 1.Bare-root seedlingsSince mid-winter, bare-root seedlings that, at first glance, appear to be dormant (without swollen buds) have been offered at exhibitions, nurseries and other places. Your actions. Buying is entirely possible, but only if you can immediately place the plants in a cold place (cellar, deep snowdrift without severe freezing) until planting. If you keep the plants warm, the buds may start growing at any moment. After all, we cannot know in what conditions the seedlings were stored by the seller - maybe at the time of purchase the plants are only a few hours away from awakening.Situation 2. Seedlings with swollen buds
How to choose seedlingsAt the beginning of the calendar spring, butlong before planting, buyers are offered seedlings with bare roots (or packed in peat, which does not change the situation much), with swollen or blossoming buds, and the buds have already begun to grow due to storage in the heat. Often this can only be discovered by opening the package. Your actions. Beware of such a purchase, no matter how beautiful the picture on the box is and no matter how sweet the persuasion sounds. This is the most undesirable option, since the roots are depleted, and such a seedling in many cases is already "not a tenant". But if by the will of fate you find yourself the owner of such a plant, you need to try to save it. How? Plant it in a pot in a room and at first spray it and cover the entire above-ground part with a plastic bag (until it takes root). When real spring comes, the "upstart" planted in a permanent place, but also very carefully - if possible, without disturbing the coma and shading after planting with covering material. Situation 3. Green seedlings Seedlings in containers, grown in greenhouses - they are already in a state of vegetation, with green leaves or even flowering. Can be sold before the planting season, in early spring, when there is still snow outside. Your actions. The plants described look very attractive to buyers, and nothing threatening should happen to them. Difficulties can arise only when transporting seedlings home (if it is freezing outside) and finding a light, but not too hot place for them in the apartment for a couple of weeks - before planting. Such "tenants" are also planted in open ground with caution, gradually hardening and shading. By the way, if you have a balcony, it would be a good idea to start hardening in advance – so their shoots will stretch less due to the lack of light in the apartment.Where to buy seedlingsExhibition and fair "Seeds", VVC, pavilion No. 7, tel.: (495) 748 3770Company "Agrotech", information phone: (495) 906 46 50Nursery of ornamental crops Sadtorg.ru, tel.: (495) 644 3216Garden center "Veshki", 1 km from MKAD along Altufevskoe highway, settlement Veshki, tel. (495) 743 9262, 742 9261, 743 9260Market "Gardener", 14th km of the Moscow Ring Road, information service phone: 355 1800