This tiny girl "removed" all of Japan, andto pass on her experience, she wrote the book "Magic Cleaning". Do you want your day to finally start with "nothing to put on, there's nowhere to hang it"? Operate by the method of Marie Kondo.Photo: Getty Images
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Quite often people don't throw away their clothes,that has lost its marketable appearance. Yes, it has pellets, snags, it is not your color, style, but you can wear it! Where do such outfits go? To the "homewear" section. Now think about whether you are doing the right thing. If trousers do not suit you, when you put them on, you thought all the time about how they make you look fat, you could not relax, did it become more pleasant to wear them at home? Of course, no one sees how they add kilos to you. But is that pleasant? Such "rejected" items are not really home clothes. Our home time is a precious part of life, and its value should not be reduced by the fact that no one sees you. True wastefulness is not throwing away things you do not like, but wearing them even when you strive to create the perfect space for a comfortable lifestyle. By putting on clothes you love, you reinforce a positive image of yourself. And by doing the opposite ... In general, you get the idea. If you don't like something and it doesn't bring you joy, it has no place in your home wardrobe. Throw it away and remember, in your apartment you should feel great, look in the mirror and like yourself.Magic cleaningPhoto: publishing house "Exmo"