Stuffed eggs, cold meat, herring under a fur coat,caviar overseas ... It would seem, so precisely today nobody will surprise ?! But wait. We almost grew up on a herring under a fur coat and marinated cucumbers. And what if these cucumbers feed, for example ... Italians!A photo: frame from videoResult - on a video that literally blew up the Internet. The three-minute video on the first day got a few thousand hits: "Oh, it's such a cheesecake," exclaimed the residents of the country of lasagna and mozzarella, tasting the herring with a teaspoon and savoring ... "Aaa, he's moving, he's alive" - ​​almost died with fear, seeing a cold ... But stuffed eggs and caviar almost did not surprise. There are, of course, did not, but the face did not make a brick. It's a pity we can not fall into such a shock with a video of pizza and lasagna. We have recognized the Italian cuisine, it seems, already recognized it. But in the case of the heroes of the video situation is fundamentally different. So I want to say: "That the Russian is good, then the Italian ..."

