Katya knows: vegetarian cuisine can be variedPhoto: Ekaterina Buldakova Vegetarianism came into my life about four years ago when I felt the need to withstand Lent and for seven weeks did not eat meat and dairy products. I knew little about vegetarian food and was confused: what could I eat? I read food labels - everywhere there were eggs or animal fats. After the first weeks I was very thin on vegetables and buckwheat. The feeling of hunger was wild. But I firmly knew that I would take it. So it turned out that at Easter, on the first day after the Fast, I flew to India, where I met a variety of vegetarian cuisine. I discovered lentils, gave, re-loved oatmeal. It turned out that a vegetarian can be fed all the time, and meat is not necessary for this. Anyone who decides to give up meat, I advise you first try to add vegetarian dishes to the diet. And only realizing that it fills, gradually switch to vegetarianism.
Katya came to vegetarianism through yoga. Photo: Catherine BuldakovaIt is important to remember: vegetarianism is not a fashionable trend, it is part of a religion that has existed in India for more than 5,000 years. This is part of the commandment - not to harm a living being. Neither moral nor physical. Therefore, if someone does not eat meat, but at the same time beats his wife or offends animals, his vegetarianism is worthless. This way of life has come to us from warm countries, so he has his own characteristics that are difficult to cope with in Siberia. I still wear a fur coat at –40 and can't refuse leather shoes. If you live in Thailand, you can walk in the shales all year round, but we will not succeed in this way. And vegetarians more often freeze because our metabolism is changing. But even despite such “amendments”, vegetarianism and yoga completely changed me. All unnecessary things left my life, I became calmer, happier, now I have an interesting job, a new social circle.